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So today I drank dd's science experiment....


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The first day of lab in college chemistry I remember the prof telling us a little rhyme: Little Daniel was a heavy drinker, but he shall drink no more. For what Daniel thought was H20 was really H2SO4!


The moral is, never assume a clear liquid is water (or otherwise drink anything of unknown origins!)

However, I totally wasn't expecting that to be a problem in my own kitchen:) I came into the kitchen and found a kitchen glass full of just the right amount of ice and water, lovely with condensation. Being thirsty, I greedily gulped down half of it before realizing something was wrong!


Turns out dd5 decided to conduct an experiment to see if soapy water freezes at the same rate at plain waterðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜.

I guess I should be grateful it was ONLY soapy water, right? Anyway, I remembered a lesson and dd got a lesson on remembering to label all future science experiments.


Anybody else have stories on home science gone wrong?

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 I remember the prof telling us a little rhyme: Little Daniel was a heavy drinker, but he shall drink no more. For what Daniel thought was H20 was really H2SO4!



My oldest said that rhyme once on a car ride home non-stop and my youngest joined in.  A young homeschool class classmate taught them the rhyme.  Needless to say hubby wasn't impress since it was a long car ride due to traffic congestions :lol:

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Ugh! Did you throw up? Soap can have emetic and whatever the polite word is for the other end effects. :(

I didn't, although I felt quite sick to my stomach! Dd is very interested in the laxative properties of soap and asked if she could examine uh, the toilet, to check for bubbles.

Ummm, let me think...NO!


Although I did offer to report:) of course, this is the kid that wanted a sample of baby bro's meconium, and could.not.wait for bro's umbilical cord to fall off so she could look at it under the microscope. I sometimes think she sees us as her personal science experiments..

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My husband has a shirt with a similar rhyme on it.... i think his goes


Johnny was a chemists son, but Johnny is no more

For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4


I think my dad actually did the same thing with a salt water experiment I did once. 

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