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Do I need spelling?


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IMO, I would use a spelling program. ETC is only using words that go with the phonics lesson; words that include the phonetic sounds the child is learning. A spelling program is teaching the child to correctly spell words most commonly used.


Aren't there like 5,000-6,000 words that are used in the English language? A good spelling program will divide these words according to grade level.


The next question is when do you want to start a spelling program. Some programs like SWO start in the 1st grade. Others a la CM , like Spelling Wisdom starts spelling in 3rd grade.


I'm sure others will chime in!:001_smile: with some excellent advice!

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I couldnt have got my 7year old son to do a spelling workbook at that age for anything. Too much handwriting. Even Spelling Power done orally was too much when he was 8. By 9 we did a year of Spelling Power, but then we have done it only on and off since then. Both my kids spell well, and seem to be natural spellers, and I put it down more to the copywork and dictation they have done, and the foundation in phonics they got in kindergarten when they were both in school. Perhaps all the reading, as well. Who knows, but its not something I put a lot of extra attention on due to trying to minimise and simplify.

I dont think you need to yet, but keep an eye on it (without expecting too much). Some kids just get spelling anyway, without too much extra attention. Others seem to really need the extra attention to spelling that a program provides.

Both my kids now write on the computer, too, and they do have spellcheck- and they both say spellcheck teaches them how to spell difficult words, as well.

So, there are many paths to good spelling, and I wouldnt worry about it yet.

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I think it will depend on your child. Is he struggling with spelling? Or does he seem to do O.K.? We have opted not to do any formal spelling, just because it seems to be more busywork for my children (at least the oldest 2.) You can always add it in later if need be.


He struggles with *reading*

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I'd focus on phonics and reading skills. Once the reading is set many move on from phonics to spelling instruction. Seven is young, you've got lots of time.:001_smile:


If ds is doing ETC workbooks right now, do I need to get extra spelling workbooks like Spelling Workout?


I'm thinking no....

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If ds is doing ETC workbooks right now, do I need to get extra spelling workbooks like Spelling Workout?


I'm thinking no....



Depends on the kid and the situation.


For most kids, spelling-as-spelling is pretty pointless. You can teach them rules as you go and have them learn from their mistakes.


But for those who struggle with spelling, with reading, or with writing, it can be a big help.

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If ds is doing ETC workbooks right now, do I need to get extra spelling workbooks like Spelling Workout?


I'm thinking no....


I came across this older thread last night and I thought about your question.

Here is the thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51883


these ladies advised to start a spelling program after ETC had been completed.



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I asked this question a while back also. My ds is in 1st and we're just doing ETC for now. He's still mastering reading and he hates writing/workbooks. Adding a spelling wb would be torture at this point!

That said, we are "doing" spelling. I just printed out a list of 200 high-frequency words and each week we do 10 words (and we add the words he struggled with the previous week).

Here's how I'm breaking it down day-by-day:

1-Read through the new words a couple times, notice patterns, etc.

2/3 - Review the words by reading over them together. We play a game called look, say, cover, write, check. That's basically exactly what it sounds like. If he gets it wrong, he corrects it.

4 - Play a game with the words. Our current favorite is "spelling ladder" where I draw a ladder in chalk and he "climbs" up the rungs by writing the words as I say them. If he gets it wrong, we just wipe it out and do it correctly.

5 - Test. We do a final review, focusing on any troublesome words, and then I say the words, use in a sentence, say again. He checks his own test and corrects any that are wrong. We add any he gets wrong to our "trouble" words list.

Maybe this sounds like a lot, but really it only takes about 10 minutes or so each day. It's helping his reading a lot as we come across these now-familiar words while we're reading.

I guess it's a spelling program without the program. I'm trying to make it more interactive. He's really enjoying it so far and working hard to do well on the tests, so it's going great so far.



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Don't waste your time with spelling at that age. I would wait until at least age 8 and then start Spelling Power, BUT ONLY if the child needs spelling instruction. I have one daughter (11yo) who tested into about the 9th grade level for spelling when she was 8 years old. So I have never wasted time doing a spelling curriculum with her. She even corrects MY spelling sometimes. She saw that I typed "spade" once when I was advertising our female cat for a new home and she corrected it to say "spayed". She said, " Really mom, she's NOT a garden tool!" LOL. My 2nd daughter DOES need it though and we will be starting SP very soon. She'll be 8 this Dec.

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Since your son is struggling with reading, I would do a spelling/phonics program that adds to the ETC without a workbook. Teaching reading with phonograms has been very successful for me and you might find that adding 15 minutes a day with a phonogram program would make a big difference. All About Spelling would be a perfect fit. They use flash cards for the phonogram sounds and you build words with little magnetic tiles. It's well organized and super easy. My son loves to make words with the tiles and really gets the spelling rules. We play "detective" speller and he tells me why you use a "C" instead of a "K" in a particular word. You wouldn't even have to require writing words. I love it and can't imagine my 7 year old not doing the phonics/spelling. It increases reading ability so much. We do ETC too, but are taking a break right now.


Just my humble opinion!

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