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XPost: Co-Op Class Ideas

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I posted this on the logic board and wanted to post here, too.

Would you all mind to help me brainstorm? I need to come up with some ideas for a 30 minute class, meeting only 8 weeks, that is for middle school and high school students. It needs to be something fun and very social in nature.



We don't have a gym. There is a large fellowship hall, but tables and chairs are often set up in a lot of it. We might could take some down.


The classes we have going on already are physical science, literature and composition, and GA history.

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Government/Civics group projects and simulations.


I led a Coop Government class a couple years ago.  We had an hour a week.  We did things like mock political advertisements for special interests, debates, mock trial and mock Congress.  I thought it was a lot of fun.


30 minutes would be somewhat short unless people got right into the activities.  If I only had 30 minutes, then I'd need to do a lot more explaining and assigning projects via email.


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A class on (mostly) human error disasters based on the book 10 Things Scientists and Mathematicians should know but are never taught.



There are plenty of things that can be taught in 30 minute bites. I did this book over one hour classes, but usually covered more than one disaster per class period. Lots of math and science discussion as well as learning about historical disasters.

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I didn't see the other post, so forgive me if these are repeats:


- ballroom dance

- games (alternate weeks: a selection of board games/card games that only take 10-30 minutes, alternate with group/party games)

- study hall (with moms to mentor/tutor/answer questions)

- art

- chorus

- yearbook

- do a 30-minute volunteer project/community service project a week:


1. for military or elderly in nursing homes or homeless or hospital patients with no family:

a. write letters or make cards

b. put together care packages (during the week, collect lots of items, then assemble and package during the 30 minutes)

c. make no-sew fleece blankets


2. for a crisis pregnancy center or low-income single mom ministry:

make no-sew baby gifts


3. for the church facility where you meet:

a. yard work

b. sanitize toys in the nursery

c. clean the kitchen and bathrooms


4. for a food pantry/food bank:

collect canned goods in the neighborhood of the facility (one week go house to house and at each door, leave a flyer stapled to a bag on the door with date/time of pick-up that they can set outside for you; next week come back and collect and leave a tax receipt)


5. for a nursing home:

 for 4 weeks, practice some songs, skits, etc., and then on a Saturday, go to a nursing home and perform and spend time chatting with residents; do it again with new songs, instrumental performances, skits, etc. for another visit at the end of the next 4 weeks 

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Lori, I love the service project idea!


Our big homeschool group of youth (grades 6-12) does a monthly community service project, and the students really enjoy it and socialize a lot while doing it. :) The students plan and execute the project themselves, with a few adults in the background for guidance.


The grade 3-5 and the grade K-2 students each have their own monthly service project they can be a part of, planned by the moms. It's a great way of making community service and volunteering a natural habit for the students. :)


Each of those is separate and meets on their own day -- whatever works best for the group. I just tried to put down some of the things the different groups have done that could be done at your location and in 30 minutes. :)

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Here are a couple of ideas....
You could do a couple of Math Circles, Spy Academy (history of espionage, forensics and cryptography), electronics(Make Electronics book was our curriculum), programming in Scratch or Python, Architecture,  MythBuster class, composition/writing and poetry class.

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30 minutes is a short time!

Career class - arrange two career presenters a week?


Social Skills class (only titled in a more interesting way) - playing group games, etiquette, netiquette, how to plan group outings or game nights?


Cuisine class - explore ethnic foods and culture (you'd have to prepare food in advance)?


Mini Toast Masters - speech (extemporaneous)?

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