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My brag - my kid got accepted in to the adult space

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As I mentioned in this thread I wanted DS to be able to apprentice with a craftsman part time but due to the language barrier here thought it would never happen. Well, we found a jeweller who runs 'proper' jewellery classes - as in one of her workshops is for adults who want to become professional jewellers and potentially start their own business. I contacted her about taking an 11 year old and while she had never taught children she was interested enough to want to meet us. Which she did, and was very impressed with the boy, and through a lot of shuffling of our schedule and other things, yesterday he started classes. And he loves it. (And so do I - he has a hands-on passion, I get to play tourist for four hours a week in the fascinating city of Istanbul, and it saves me trying to find a tutor as I mentioned here).


It's not the traditional gifted/advanced kid maths/science/music/sport achievement, and our small social circle here automatically thinks 'jewellery' is a kiddie or hobby workshop on a par with meeting to do scrapbooking once a week, but I am so proud of my boy. He is following a passion even if that means stepping in to an environment where there are no other children and embracing the challenges that come with it.

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