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Exercise Thread- October 25th - October 31st


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So today at the gym I asked my trainer how long he thought it would be until I could deadlift the heaviest fixed-weight bar (110 lb----I can do 70 without thinking now). He looked at it, looked at me, told me to out my gloves on, and handed the bar to me. I held it, did one rep without a problem, and did a second one without a problem. He freaked out, and I got high fives from everyone in the gym :D


I think I'll be able to up my weight training to four days a week now. My shoulder is back!




And he said bar squats will be soon... I swear, I'm going to have him takemy picture that day!

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Slache, I'm so happy for you!  Sorry you're sick.  Hopefully, the morning sickness doesn't last too long.


Luckymama, glad you're shoulder is better.  


Rieshy, thanks.  I haven't been able to get up with the blog.  I should.  I need to write stuff out, but I've been so busy, and  I just don't seem to get to the computer like I used to.


Last night's yoga was great, though his music selection was very odd.  It was a weird mix of funny/creepy halloween, ballads about the full moon, and so odd country songs.  Very strange.


Today I did a 90 minute slow flow class.  Felt great.


It's been a rough week, and I'm going to vent here.  Last Tuesday I found out that my son's piano teacher is moving at the end of December.  There may be another teacher in the area. She's going to try and help us find someone.  We are rural, and for everything else we drive an hour.  This was the one thing that was only 20 minutes away. Plus my son hates change and may want to give up piano when he finds out.  My dd17 has been extra moody and it's driving me nuts, my ds16 wants to work at McD's but now I'm worried about the drug activity (which is so bad here).  And yesterday I found out I didn't get the job I applied for.  The job was a huge long shot, but getting it would have somehow redeemed the fact that we live and stayed in this h*ll hole.  Sorry.  I'm really feeling it today.  I'm tired and feel defeated.  I've been crying at the end of each yoga session.  


And the week ends with my oldest dd senior piano recital (college), which should be a happy affair. But the incoming family is unhappy that we don't have tons of time for them or that they can't all stay here.  Blah.  


I'm off to piano.  We haven't told our son about the teacher yet.  Told her that I wanted to wait till we had someone lined up.


Sorry to vent, I just needed to.  

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No walking this week so far:(  Though the sleeping in has been nice since it's been a gentle rain each morning with open windows.


Covered Brazil's history in my class at our home school tutorial yesterday- I was shocked that of 17 students none of the 8th graders (besides my son) knew what Capoiera was- and most didn't know about Brazilian Jujitsu- it reminded me of the different "flavor" bubbles we all live in. 


Work and play tonight at MMA.  5+hours.


kettle bell swings, kicks and core.

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Training session today :D I did real, honest to gosh bench presses and deadlifts with the big bar. I had been using short, fixed-weight bars and dumbbells up to this point.


Trainer said I will feel those 3-5 rep sets more than anything else I've done yet. I believe him!


And all the trainers voted me as Member of the Month! I'll be in the newsletter and on facebook with a lovely post-workout picture :lol:

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Lisa, you're brave.  I can't stand the wind, and when it's combined with rain, I give up. 


yesterday was my hot yoga class and today I ran 4 miles, then came home and did 3 rounds of push-ups, pull-ups and planks.  


Tonight is my dd21's senior piano recital.  I'm nervous for her!  I think I will be unable to breathe for 30 minutes (that's how long she plays for. It will be a packed out house, too)

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Lisa, you're brave.  I can't stand the wind, and when it's combined with rain, I give up. 


yesterday was my hot yoga class and today I ran 4 miles, then came home and did 3 rounds of push-ups, pull-ups and planks.  


Tonight is my dd21's senior piano recital.  I'm nervous for her!  I think I will be unable to breathe for 30 minutes (that's how long she plays for. It will be a packed out house, too)


My oldest dd is a piano performance/german major.  All those recitals- I felt like valium should be given out with the programs.  Now my youngest two are doing piano so it's starting all over again....


I thought I was going to have a nice 5 mile run today.  Life has not worked that way so besides yard work and house work today is a rest day- blech!

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Boring compared to you guys----45 min elliptical, double my usual core routine, lat pulldowns to help my shoulder (up to 27.5 lb, yay me lol) and squats. For the first time ever I was the most-fit person working out :D


Tomorrow I have an early meeting an hour away. I will come home to friends here homebrewing with dh. Not sure what/if I'll get to for exercise.

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The recital went well!  My dd is relieved that it's done.  She's going to relax today and go to Dollywood tomorrow.  


Reishy, I agree, I was thinking I should have had a large glass of wine before it started.  Performance and German! Did your dd go to grad school?  My second dd wants to minor in violin, so not as intense.  My next two will probably not have music in their future, but my youngest is a music/artist type.  He loves to compose.  He's 11 years behind his oldest sister, so I will be even older next time I go through this. :D


Today I ran 6 miles.  It was a rough run.  I didn't sleep well and my body felt as if it didn't know how to run for the first couple of miles. Now I feel tired.  I need to get a few things done in the house and then my youngest wants to go trick or treating up in the next town, so we need to get him there. 

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The recital went well!  My dd is relieved that it's done.  She's going to relax today and go to Dollywood tomorrow.  


Reishy, I agree, I was thinking I should have had a large glass of wine before it started.  Performance and German! Did your dd go to grad school?  My second dd wants to minor in violin, so not as intense.  My next two will probably not have music in their future, but my youngest is a music/artist type.  He loves to compose.  He's 11 years behind his oldest sister, so I will be even older next time I go through this. :D


Today I ran 6 miles.  It was a rough run.  I didn't sleep well and my body felt as if it didn't know how to run for the first couple of miles. Now I feel tired.  I need to get a few things done in the house and then my youngest wants to go trick or treating up in the next town, so we need to get him there. 


Congratulations:)  Dd is a just a junior in college this year and hasn't made up her mind on what she'll do next.  She adores her studies and has been teaching private lessons for 5 years- and adores that as well.  She double majored in German because she's fluent and I thought it would give her more possibilities- not to mention it's easy for her and since it's also a liberal arts degree the required gen. ed. classes between each major lined up nicely.  


Dh and I walked 7 miles today. I also ate lots and lots of candy....


I found some Chaco hiking shoes on sale for $49 today.  I may never take them off.

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