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SAD with Fatigue Instead of Depression?


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It's very common to want to hibernate when the weather changes. I don't even particularly struggle with SAD and deal with a crush of fatigue when the light changes. Up here it's just expected that you want to sleep in and eat soup all day :)

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It's very common to want to hibernate when the weather changes. I don't even particularly struggle with SAD and deal with a crush of fatigue when the light changes. Up here it's just expected that you want to sleep in and eat soup all day :)


I spent what felt like hours the other day shopping online for my winter wardrobe. I kept adding sweatshirts and yoga pants to my cart. I realized that I was basically shopping for pajamas I could wear during the day but didn't plan to wear out. I was hoping to hibernate all winter. But sadly, I  faced reality and abandoned my cart because I will not be able to do that.


I bought a cheap SAD lightbox last spring (I think it was on closeout). I turned it on this morning when I woke up and it was still dark out. I'm hoping to get into this habit and it might help with my own issues this winter.  

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In college I went to the school psychiatrist to be evaluated for SAD when for the third year in a row I began to feel very tired at the beginning of November. The previous two years I thought it was just because the excitement of soccer season was over but when it happened again despite no soccer, I suspected SAD. The psychiatrist said I didn't meet a single criteria of depression but offered me drugs anyway. I said no thanks.


I actually own a lightbox. I bought it two years ago to try to help a possible circadian rhythm problem/insomnia. By itself it didn't help. A few months ago I discovered that combining 30 minutes of morning sun with using blue blocking glasses at night (plus a host of other lifestyle changes and supplements) mostly fixes the insomnia. I had tried the glasses a few years ago but they didn't help. I need them plus the morning light together.


The last week of September and the first week of October were extremely rainy, so I didn't get my sun in. It's sunny again but I feel like hibernating. I was previously diagnosed with CFS and adrenal fatigue, so I am no stranger to being tired. This is a different tired than the usual sheer exhaustion. It's more like feeling sleepy.

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In college I went to the school psychiatrist to be evaluated for SAD when for the third year in a row I began to feel very tired at the beginning of November. The previous two years I thought it was just because the excitement of soccer season was over but when it happened again despite no soccer, I suspected SAD. The psychiatrist said I didn't meet a single criteria of depression but offered me drugs anyway. I said no thanks.


I actually own a lightbox. I bought it two years ago to try to help a possible circadian rhythm problem/insomnia. By itself it didn't help. A few months ago I discovered that combining 30 minutes of morning sun with using blue blocking glasses at night (plus a host of other lifestyle changes and supplements) mostly fixes the insomnia. I had tried the glasses a few years ago but they didn't help. I need them plus the morning light together.


The last week of September and the first week of October were extremely rainy, so I didn't get my sun in. It's sunny again but I feel like hibernating. I was previously diagnosed with CFS and adrenal fatigue, so I am no stranger to being tired. This is a different tired than the usual sheer exhaustion. It's more like feeling sleepy.


Unexplained fatigue is a symptom of depression, so that psychiatrist was talking out her *ahem*.


Have you installed f.lux onto your computer? It works the same way as the blue-blocking glasses, but without the glasses. ;) 


I usually go through a period of sleepiness when the seasons change, so I think that's fairly normal. You could try giving it another week or so and if it doesn't improve, see your doctor about treatment.

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I haven't checked my vit D in a while. It tends to be on the low side, but taking vit D seems to make my insomnia worse. Maybe I can figure out a dose that doesn't.


Were you taking it at night? Some people who are more sensitive can have trouble sleeping if they pop a dose right before bed. Have you tried taking it first thing in the morning?

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I was taking it in the morning and it may have caused insomnia. I seem to have many triggers though, and it is so hard to control all the variables.


I have some 5000 IU chewables already, so I'll give them a try. Maybe I should take them at 9 am.


Have you checked the label for artificial colors? A lot of chewable vitamins seem to have those, and they can give people all kinds of issues. When it comes to vitamin D, I've had the best luck with the liquid.

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Over the last nine years of health problems, I have noticed that my motivation fluctuates greatly. It seems to be a leading indicator. Usually my motivation decreases a few weeks before a relapse and begins to improve shortly before coming out of a relapse. I haven't had any noticable fall seasonal symptoms during this time, but that may be because most years in the fall I was too sick and tired already to notice.

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Hoppy try superior source d3 microlingual.It made a difference for my Ds with his sleeping habits and the latest he takes it now is 1 pm.

It took him 8 months to come to the normal range and he needs 5000iu a day but he cannot do it due to the insomnia its causes so 2000iu everday.

Did you try bath salts at night? Ancient mineral bath salt baths helped him a lot,he started with 4x a week now he does it once a week. It helped him a lot.Hth

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For me, depression manifests as fatigue. My mood can even be good, but the body has this bone-crushing fatigue.


I have SAD and try to get real sunlight every day. I also use a light box in winter.

I Intended to start a thread to ask about lights, but this thread seems like a good place to ask. I'd like to get some for using while I'm walking on the treadmill. Please share your recommendations.


Hoppy, I also experience fatigue. But for me it is tied to low vitamin D and iron levels; I really have to keep an eye on those (still having regular cycles and am told my iron binding capacity is naturally low). Regular exercise - 40 high energy minutes 4 days per week - is part of the Rx. Honestly, though, wrangling up the mental energy for exercising can be the hardest part! Kind of a vicious cycle.

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