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Shoulder Pain


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My shoulder hurts when I pull it back or reach straight behind me.  It started after I slept on it in a funny way several months ago.  I tried googling to learn more about what the problem may be, but I am not getting anything.  What could it be?  And what kind of doctor should I see?  I don't need a referral to see a specialist.  It seems I would need to see a doctor before getting physical therapy to determine what type of injury it is.

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Sounds like rotator cuff tendonitis https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000438.htm


I have a likely tear that I've been putting off seeing a doctor about, that probably started off as tendonitis before I injured it catching a falling cooler :(  


I would probably just go see your family doc.  It is common enough that they could probably recommend something.  I was on Mobic for a few days for sciatica and it helped my shoulder pain a lot.

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Rotator cuff problems are often a pre-curser to frozen shoulder, aren't they?  In any case, they can both be extremely painful!  I had the rotator cuff problems that I thought I was told (by my doctor) were veering into frozen shoulder.  It built up quite slowly, over a period of about two years.  By the time I finally went to see a doctor, I could barely put my shirt on.  There was no way I could reach behind me to zip the back of my dress.  So, that reaching back movement was definitely affected, like yours is.  I can't remember about the reaching forward movement.  I don't think I could reach high above my head either.


I saw a PT for about three months, and then continued working at home for another three months.  Eventually it completely went away.


So, I'd suggest a doctor for the simple reason of getting a referral to see a PT.

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Yep--rotator cuff issues here too.


My family doctor referred me for an x-ray to confirm and then PT. I waited a while to start the PT (foolishly thinking it would magically heal itself). I wish now that I didn't wait as the pain has become steadily more intense and my mobility much worse. If I may complain a bit, the worst part is the inability to sleep at night! Wah.

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I pulled something in my left shoulder a few months ago that had me in pretty serious pain when I breathed.  The pain was so severe and so left-arm-chest-sternum-chin, that I went to the ER and had the very kind young docs make sure it wasn't a heart attack.  It wasn't.  That was a tad embarrassing. 


Anyway, the problem went away when I got rid of my pillow, which changed how I slept.  I now believe I was sleeping on that arm. 

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I'll also recommend Robin McKenzie's book Treat Your Own Shoulder. I used his back book starting in August and it helped me get over the low back pain that started suddenly in July. I'm still doing the exercises to keep the pain away. So since that worked for me (and dh last summer with sciatica), I got his book for shoulder pain last week after I had been having shoulder pain in my left shoulder for a few weeks (I think both back and shoulder pain result from caring for my 76 pound wheelchair kid). I won't say my shoulder pain is gone, but my range of motion is now almost normal and I think the pain is lessening. The McKenzie method is widely used by PTs. When dh told his doctor he was using the book last summer, the doctor approved and told him it was widely recommended by doctors.

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Rotator cuff problems are often a pre-curser to frozen shoulder, aren't they? In any case, they can both be extremely painful! I had the rotator cuff problems that I thought I was told (by my doctor) were veering into frozen shoulder. It built up quite slowly, over a period of about two years. By the time I finally went to see a doctor, I could barely put my shirt on. There was no way I could reach behind me to zip the back of my dress. So, that reaching back movement was definitely affected, like yours is. I can't remember about the reaching forward movement. I don't think I could reach high above my head either.


I saw a PT for about three months, and then continued working at home for another three months. Eventually it completely went away.


So, I'd suggest a doctor for the simple reason of getting a referral to see a PT.

I think you're right. I remember now that I only had xrays, which don't show soft tissue. The dr. Wanted me to have an MRI and I declined. He suspected a tear.


We don't need referrals either, I went straight to an orthopedic surgeon.

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I'll also recommend Robin McKenzie's book Treat Your Own Shoulder. I used his back book starting in August and it helped me get over the low back pain that started suddenly in July. I'm still doing the exercises to keep the pain away. So since that worked for me (and dh last summer with sciatica), I got his book for shoulder pain last week after I had been having shoulder pain in my left shoulder for a few weeks (I think both back and shoulder pain result from caring for my 76 pound wheelchair kid). I won't say my shoulder pain is gone, but my range of motion is now almost normal and I think the pain is lessening. The McKenzie method is widely used by PTs. When dh told his doctor he was using the book last summer, the doctor approved and told him it was widely recommended by doctors.


I will check out this book as well, thanks!

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Have you tried icing it? Years ago I had tendinitis flare up in the shoulder due to a usage injury. It was horribly painful and I remember being unable to take in a breath if I lifted it very far. Antiinflammatories (800mg ibuprofen) were prescribed, as well as sitting with an ice pack appx 15 minutes at a time.


Now when I feel a twinge, I ice, rest, and when feeling better, remember to stretch.

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