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Poll: do you buy reusable shopping bags?

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I'm not normally a crafty person...artistic, perhaps, but not particularly crafty. I have a craft magazine subscription, but I sometimes don't even read it...I pass it on to friends or family. But now I'm inspired. I've already cut up 2 plastic bags and made "plastic yarn" out of them. I can see myself making one of those reusable bags out of them. That's what I'll take to the grocery store! I'll keep more plastic bags now so I can make enough "yarn" to make my new bags!

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I have several bags that I take with me when we go shopping; however, I haven't actually bought any. :)


Yeah, same here. They haven't actually banned plastic bags but there was a "scare" that they would a few years back so there was a big push for using cloth bags. I'm not entirely sure where all ours came from, they just sort of happened to us. We always take them with us when we are intending to grocery shop, but it took a while to get the habit. If I'm out and spontaneously shop, I'll stash most of it in my handbag or under the pram and only use plastic as a last resort. We still end up with enough plastic bags around to use for whatever they are needed for. I guess because dh doesn't carry a handbag to stash stuff in!



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