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leopard gecko or guinea pig?

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My daughter is torn between these two pets. She is currently leaning toward guinea pig because they have the "cuddle" factor. Any advice or experience I can use for some quality vicarious learning?



With those two choices, I'd be choosing the guinea pig. Lizards really do not cuddle. She wouldn't like it much if that is what sh eis going for. Personally, I'd just go straight to a puppy or a kitten. They are much easier to take care of imho.
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My dd inherited a leopard gecko from a friend, and she (we call her Zoey and don't know if she's a she) is really cool. Not only is she low maintenance, but she really has a personality all her own. She recognizes my daughter's voice, makes funny noises when my daughter is reading late and Zoey wants a cricket. My daughter does take her out and let her run around on a blanket and all over my dd legs.

I am NOT a rodent person so I would not like guinea pig. I, also, thought that guinea pigs could have short life spans and the gecko can live up to 18 yrs or so.


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We have recently got two piggies. You have to get atleast 2 or they won't do well. They are very social and need social attention from a friend.


I am not a big pet person, but after saying "NO" for years to a pet, I decided that guinea pigs were "doable". I have not regretted it! We have had ours for about 6 months now.


They are cutie pies! My dd(5) is still in love with them. We have a kiddie pool and let them out of their cage for "floor time". They are a HOOT! They do this thing called "popcorning"---they run around like little bucking broncos. It is hilarious. And they go crazy with running into brown paper lunch bags! It is almost like catnip! We cuddle them in our laps too! They are getting just big enough now that they will fit into the harness/leash we bought them! They love the grass!001-1.jpg

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We already have a dog and a cat, although both are older. We don't want to impose a puppy or kitten on either of them at this time. My dh and I are actually kind of on the 10 year plan as it relates to pets LOL. We will always have a cat, but by then it will likely be a new cat (ours is currently 13 years old) and our dog is over 7. The new cat will be our only pet at that time. For now, dd (the animal lover in our bunch) has a gerbil and is tired of it. It has been very low maintenance for her, but is also not very cuddly (likes to run around a lot and since it is aging, it bites). So, we are looking for options for when Kari (the gerbil) starts "running the big gerbil wheel in the sky."


I have had guinea pigs as a kid so I remember the work and the smell. That would be dd's burden to bear- she is coming up on 10 so I think she is capable. We'll have to put more thought into it.


Thanks again.

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My vote for any child under the age of 10 would be, hands down, a guinea pig. We've had them for several years now and they are one of the best kinds of pet a kid can have. Their personalities are priceless. Each one has something unique about him/her and no hamster, gerbil or gecko can come close, in my opinion! I agree that the cages that are bedded with shavings are smelly and messy but we use something called pellet bedding. It's $5 for a 30 pound bag and we clean it about every two weeks. The only time it starts to smell is when it gets to be about two weeks old. Because the bedding is pelleted, they have a very hard time getting it out of their cage (if you have the plastic bottomed cages) so cleaning and smell isn't a big deal at all. I am on a very limited budget and our two guinea pigs don't break the bank when it comes to buying their feed. My two daughters do have to share in buying their treats though because we like to give them different things (vegetables, fruits) often so they don't get bored with having carrots 3 times a day. We've taken the pigs to my mom's nursing home or just for rides in the car. I also have to admit that, at 46 years old, I am TERRIFIED of little animals but I have NEVER been bitten by any of our pg's throughout the years. Gecko? No way. Guinea Pig...any day of the week!

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My daughter is torn between these two pets. She is currently leaning toward guinea pig because they have the "cuddle" factor. Any advice or experience I can use for some quality vicarious learning?


This one's easy -- guinea pig, 'cause I wouldn't let the lizard in the house. :D

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leopard geckos don't fetch.


that was my son's disappointed assessment after having a gecko for a few months. Chico (the gecko) mostly did what geckos do - crawl into his dark hide and sleep. there is amusement come feeding time but ours did not enjoy being handled or played with. Chico lived with us for 3 years and eventually succumbed to some sort of infection. the low maintenance aspect of a gecko was not offset by the neglible cuddle and interactive factor.


we now have a 14 month old schnoodle doggie. he does fetch. i'd say get a guinea pig; they may not fetch but they do cuddle.


btw, i have read that there are more interactive lizards. i sometimes find myself drawn to Bearded Dragons in the pet stores. a bit more work and they grow a lot larger than a leo.

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