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Dr. Hive: Weird Finger Issue

Diane in CO

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So, in the past 3 days I have had the upper part of the middle finger on my right hand start to tingle and essentially lose circulation.  The nail bed becomes completely white (surrounding nails are normal pinkish color) and it feels like someone has tied a tight string around it.


I completely freaked me out the first time it happened and I had to massage my finger for a minute or two before it went back to normal.  While it was going on the first thought that came into my head was that I was going to have to go to the ER or else  I would lose the tip of my finger (yes, I know sounds crazy, but it really scared me)    It happened to me again today.  Both times I had been driving and was carrying my keys in that hand.   I do work on the computer all day for work and have had some tingly issues in my right hand in the past but none recently.


Any thoughts or similar experiences?   I am not quite sure what to do or what type of doctor to see.  Suggestions are welcome!





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Thanks for the replies! No new medications, however I noticed that one of the causes could be stress. Lots of family stress the last few days AND I happened to be holding a cold drink within a few minutes of symptoms each time. Guess I need to start wearing gloves when I drink my frappacinos😀

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I have peripheral neuropathy (and a bit of raynauds) and my fingertips sometimes do weird things like that. I've had a ton of testing (Like EMG and nerve conduction tests and other tests) and it was all expensive and ultimately gave no answer to why. It's annoying, but not ER worthy.

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I have (what I think is primary) Raynauds.  No doctor has taken me seriously and it doesn't matter anyway because there is no treatment except to try to prevent your hands (or really whole body) from being cold.  Stress can be a trigger as well.  It can also happen in toes and knees.  I have toes too.  It is cumulative so it is important to prevent as much as possible.  Other than being annoying, it is not really dangerous.

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I have Raynauds.  I can't hold cold drinks, those starbucks sleeves are the best thing that ever happened to me, because now, other stores have them too. :)  I usually wrap a napkin around drinks if I don't have a sleeve (with a rubber band- classy).  The air conditioner also does it to me, especially driving in the car and having the air blowing on my hands while they are on the steering wheel.  I had a dr. prescribe a nitro-glcyerien lotion (like heart med) for this, but I never really needed it so I have not renewed it.  Have it checked out, there are meds they can prescribe.  My symptoms are not really bad, just annoying, so I am not doing meds yet.

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