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Exercise Thread October 11th- 17th


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Walk with dh, hedge trimming manually( arms baby), and an hour of fooling around with the kids at the park. The good news is I still have a killer cartwheel, the bad news is my attempt to climb the tetherball post shows I have no aptitude for pole dancing. Another professional avenue closed. ;)


Choked on my coffee.


Sunday- 3 mile walk with dh. 


This morning- gentle 2.5 mile run with 21 yo dd.


Tonight is my workday plus 2 of my classes at MMA.  I'm experimenting with getting to work 45 minutes early and doing 30 minute weight workout, showering (we have really nice changing rooms) and then starting work. It would be nice to have my muscles all loosey goosey before the starting with the kids on the mats. We'll see.....

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I have a question:


I'm trying to build a new 4- 6 week weightlifting routine:  30 minutes is all I have on Monday and Wednesday.  I know I'll do a hundred swings, and 10 TGU, squats with the bell but I can also do traditional weights at the gym, I just can't decide what would give me the most bang.  Any ideas?

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If you only have 30 minutes you should probably try to do some sort of short full body workout with one compound excercise for upper and lower body each, and then a couple supporting (isolation) excercises for both. You can find loads of programmes and guides by just googling "30 min full body workout".

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It's been another crazy, busy week but I have done some exercising.


Sunday was a rest day.  Saturday I ran 6 miles.  I did a 3 mile slow run, then ran a 5k!  It wasn't planned, there was one happening in town, for charity, and my dh was running it, so I went for it.  It was fun to do.  I ran it at an 11:25 pace, which was over a minute faster than my warm up pace.  


Monday-4 mile run. No yoga because the kids didn't have orchestra (which is when I go to yoga) and I went to visit a friend.  We did take a nice walk around a park.  I love this weather.


Tuesday-60 minutes of yoga plus some walking.  I got about 8,500 steps in during the day.  


Wednesday-4 mile run this morning, and I'm hoping for some yoga time later. :)


I'm having knee pain when I run.  It's on the top and sometimes the inside of my knee.  My dh thinks it could be a tear. :(  I made doctor appointment for Friday.  I'm able to run through it, and it stops hurting as soon as I stop running (as long as I don't cross my legs.  That really hurts).  If it is a tear, my dh said I can't make it worse by continuing to run, so I keep running.  I've just got to the point where running doesn't feel awful.  I don't want to stop.



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Kim- I hope it's not serious.

Slache-is the Tai Chi from YouTube or somewhere I could check it out


No time to run this morning. I moved lawn furniture and put flower beds to sleep for winter and took a walk. 14000 odd steps according to my phone.

It's Tai Cheng from Beach Body. I'm sure it's an insult to anyone who actually studies the art, but for my fitness goals it works. Check your library. People are always buying things like that and donating them when they decide they'll never do it. It's really short, simple, challenging, and not hard on my poor pitiful old lady back.

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Kim- I hope the doctor has good news.  I tore, now I can't remember what it's called on the inside of my knee, several years ago.  Not a bad tear at all- but I still don't sit with my legs crossed anymore- it totally "cured" me of that habit:)


Yesterday I got in 50 pushups.  Our Sensei was in a mood....


Today- 100 kicks, abs, 100 swings, 10 TGUs but I might have to skip MMA.  I have a little one down with a bug.  A run only if I can squeeze it in.

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Kim- I hope the doctor has good news.  I tore, now I can't remember what it's called on the inside of my knee, several years ago.  Not a bad tear at all- but I still don't sit with my legs crossed anymore- it totally "cured" me of that habit:)


Yesterday I got in 50 pushups.  Our Sensei was in a mood....


Today- 100 kicks, abs, 100 swings, 10 TGUs but I might have to skip MMA.  I have a little one down with a bug.  A run only if I can squeeze it in.



Yes, that is what hurts the most.  I've been working on not crossing my legs and that has helped a lot.  


I ended up giving my doctor's appointment to my dd17.  She's been having issues with her meds and I really wanted her to go. This particular doctor is not in town often (she's usually 20 mins away), and my dd is always reluctant to go, so this encouraged her.  


I ordered a sleeve for my knee, but not crossing my legs is helping, and I need to not run downhill.  My dh also suggested some exercises to help with inner thigh strength.  Don't know if it will help, but I'm going to try.


90 minutes of yoga yesterday and a 4 mile run this morning.  I had very little discomfort with my knee so I think I'm finding a work around. :)

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I never see this thread until the end of the week. This week I did 3 one hour cardio kickboxing classes. I'm also planning on taking my 45 minute kung fu class tomorrow afternoon. I feel great and I've lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks! I've got a long way to go but seeing as I've never been able to lose weight while breastfeeding this is exciting.

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