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At what age do you teach your kids to type?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I have my kids start formal typing lessons in 6th grade and we use Mavis Beacon and Typing Tutor. They are require to practice 15-20 min. a day till they reach 60wpm with few errors. That is usually somewhere around 8th grade.

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My 5th grader is using Typing Instructor Deluxe right now.


I tried getting my older ds to learn to type, but met with resistance and decided that it wasn't a hill I wanted to die on, so to speak. Maybe I can entice him with the knowledge that it will speed him up on all those instant messaging things he loves so much!

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I submitted a post very similar to yours a few weeks ago and promptly started my 9 1/2 and almost 8 year olds on the recommended site (below). It has only been a few weeks but they (a boy and girl) both love it and continuously ask me to practice. Keep in mind that they have an EXTREMLY limited amount of computer time and this is sort of a treat for them. They both seem to be rapidly progressing with it, although a bit too early to tell the outcome.

OH yeah, and it FREE!!!!





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I am using the Mavis Beacon software with 9 1/2 year old dd this year. She is learning Microsoft Word for science, so it seemed logical she should also learn to type.


I was impressed with Mavis Beacon too, although it's a subject we've let lapse for a while.


I think that there are plenty of kids who are capable of typing well at upper elementary age. On the other hand, I didn't start learning until 9th-10th grade and I could type around 90 wpm. So it isn't a skill that you need to emphasize learning early. (In other words, if I had to choose between a language and typing, typing would lose.)

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