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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning...


Up early with loads to accomplish!  Clean entire house by noon--we are traveling all day Saturday and I would like to leave everything done so I can go to church on Sunday and relax before another busy week.    Take a power nap then school from 1-5pm.



washer with sheets and towels

bleaching all bathrooms and cleaning everything 

dust, mop and vacuum entire house 


To do:

school 1-5 

cook dinner

clean up and put out trashcans for tomorrow

go to bed early!


Have a great day everyone! 

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Good morning, it's sunny out :D

- tidy house- round one done

- dishes

- laundry- load in dryer

- school work- A&P lab and lab quiz done

- get dd1 off bus - done

- dd1 school work - just practice spelling words later

- soccer practice- done

- store for juice- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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I haven't been getting much done on my lists every day. It's really hard with so many people in the house! I need to finish my monthly menu. I think it is time to switch over to the fall menu; I keep getting comments like "Oh, how I miss pumpkin soup!" or "Mom, when are you going to make Chicken Corn Chowder? We haven't had that in FOREEEVVVERRR!" So dramatic. ;-)


Exercise - done!

School - 

Declutter the house - 

Finish menu - 

Start shopping list - 

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Good morning! Today will be a better day, I hope. I found out yesterday about the extent of the mean girl problem dd2 has been facing. So annoying, childish, and middle school. Anyway, she seemed better yesterday after realizing that people who act like that are not friends and will never be friends. They are just people you see every day. It makes me sad for her, but at the same time, better to learn the lesson now than when I learned it a few years ago. Anyway...


To do:


School for all

Chores for all

Mop floors

Other random things

Figure out volunteer stuff for judo

Make appointments (eye, hair, dental)

PM practice

Judo pickup?


Have a great day!

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Hi guys!  Getting a late start on this post, but I didn't get a late start on the day.  It's been a busy one.  Only problem is that I really haven't gotten any "work" done, and I need to.


The construction guys are laying the new floor in the kitchen and bathroom, among other jobs.  They turned off the water to the whole house a few hours ago (without warning) since the switch to the fridge ice maker didn't work.  :/  I would love to be able to use the bathroom or take a shower or just wash my hands right now.  :/

  • Kids up and out to school.  [done]
  • Garbage out.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms.  [done]
  • Straighten kids' room and play area.  [done]
  • Clear out floor of pantry (a LOT Of stuff).  [done]
  • Clear everything from kitchen floor.  [done]
  • Clear out the fridge and freezer.  [done]
  • Scout badges - I bought two products that were supposed to help stick them on after they fell off last time (new crappy iron).  Neither product worked, they just made a mess and wasted my time.  Finally I sewed some ugly stitches and ironed them some more, and I hope they stay on this time.  :/  [done?]
  • Deal with the construction guys.  [done]
  • Direct and assist the maids.  (We're getting stuff packed up to be moved around so they can eventually put new carpet in most of the house.)  [done]
  • Remove the dead mouse that freaked the maids out .  :p  [done]
  • Get money (from the bank) for the maids.  [n/a they accepeted a check]
  • Work.  [done for now]
  • Kids' work.  [done]
  • Kids' dinner.  [done]
  • Kids to AHG.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work.

The guys promised me I would be able to do laundry by Friday night.  I really really need to be able to wash (and dry) some clothes.  Wish me luck on that, because I've heard "going to be done" so many times ....

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School took forever today.

Dd was whiny and irritable and fussy. I sense preteen drama approaching. When Ds seems like the easy one, I know times are a-changin'!


This afternoon is nice though and I had time to make a good list for tomorrow.


Dinner - fishsticks and veggies for kids, chef salad for me and Dh.

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