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Honorary degrees---what should you be given one for?


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I think that after the past week I have earned an honorary degree in medical management.


I have one dd that in the past week has been to ER for a c diff infection (3rd course of treatment in 8 weeks), had to have the meds specially compounded, been to the lab, radiology for renal ultrasounds, kidney specialist at the children's hospital, and today the primary care for a urinary tract infection.  I am now managing meds that have to be given every 6 hours around the clock, bladder infection meds that are typically contraindicated for someone with c diff that have to be given twice a day (as far apart from c diff meds as possible), and probiotics that need to be given apart from the first 2 meds.  Add in that she is also on about 10 other meds twice a day.  Then we need to go to the children's hospital pharmacy this weekend to get more meds compounded as they only have a 14 day life once mixed but with the holiday we have to time that just right.  Most of these trips are 25 miles each way.


Then other dd had a seizure last Friday so monitoring her stuff.  She has been on seizure meds for 16 years but haven't seen a seizure in a while.


Allergies are in full swing as well so that is meds for 3 more of us to make sure are taken as directed.


We are also trying to coordinate the one dd's surgery to remove a breast lump but hospitals don't want to let someone in with c diff so that is semi on hold again while we wait to see if we can get fast tracked to gastro and/or infectious disease.  Since she is 18 most children's specialists won't see her so we need to transition to adult services.


Oh, and on Tuesday we went to see a new psychiatrist (old one retired after 17 years with her) and had insurance deny us approval on a technicality so I sat with office manager (extremely helpful lady) for over an hour fighting that (while missing the 1st new patient appointment).  We did get one dd's approval in time for her appointment.  Came out to the car to rush to my 5pm meeting with a friend to walk (and destress) and had a dead battery :-(


I have spent a ton of time this week on medications, pharmacy trips, calls to the insurance company, more calls to the insurance company, getting on cancellation lists for specialists, etc.


honestly, if I could get a job in medical social work, patient advocacy for special needs, etc. it would be right up my alley.  I just don't have the "real" degree in this stuff.


If YOU were to get an honorary degree in something what would it be?

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