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Plus size moms who don't let their size slow them down


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I am plus size but fairly active. I kayak 3-4 x week, horseback ride 4-5 x week, walk 5-6 x week, ride the wave runners 2-3x week and in the winter cross country ski. I also do horse chores for 3 horses twice a day every day.


I am NOT, and never have been athletic. I was the book worm type kid and teen and even until the past 8-10 years. I am heavier now than when I wasn't active at all.


I am just finding that I love this stuff. I can not run (heading to physical therapy this afternoon for my ankle) but otherwise can pretty much keep up with my friends.


Anyone else not let their plumpness slow them down?


I will admit though that I am not find of the pictures taken of me this week.

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Usually! Aside from the last year I've always been ridiculously active and overweight. When I got pregnant with my youngest my body didn't respond too well and my hormones got all out of whack. I was unable to be very active and it shows. I'm now 6 months postpartum and trying to return to an active lifestyle but it has been difficult. My body aches too much after being active that I can barely function. I'm not used to having to ease my way back into being active so it has been a struggle. But I've been working out again at least 3 times a week again in hopes to transitioning back to what I used to be able to do

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Me too. I bike (around 30 miles) twice a week. I walk and workout regularly. I love hiking, gardening, playing with my dog and am quite active. I am also significantly overweight, My blood pressure is typically 100/60. My resting heart rate is in the high 40s. I'm healthy and fat.

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Ottakee, that's so awesome!! Curious are you surprised that despite all this physical activity you still carry a few extra pounds? I'm always shocked wen I see my skinny friends eat twice as much as me and do half the "exercise" but are still so thin. Frustrating!!!

Surprised--NO, Frustrated--YES


one friend came here and ate a whole foot long Subway stuff (with the good stuff on it) and I generally split a foot long with my TWO girls so I eat a 4 inch sub.  I don't eat a ton either.


I am very active, but honestly don't work out really hard.  I stack hay, walk, kayak, etc but don't run, do aerobics, etc.


I just saw the physical therapist today about my plantar faciitis and ankle pain.  I will be doing some water aerobics as part of the therapy.  Yes, if I would lose 60 pounds it would be much better.  Hard though to lose it when it is painful to do any sort of intensive exercise

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I am that disgustingly health fluffy person.  Yes, I tore the meniscus in my knee and am in PT for PF but so are lots of skinny people.


My blood pressure is so good I had the nurse ask me if I had just gotten up (no, I have done chores and tons of other stuff already today), my heart rate is great, my cholesterol and blood sugars are perfect.  The only meds I take are Allegra and an inhaler occ. (lung damage due to heart issues as a baby/toddler that were surgically corrected).    I am very very rarely ill and haven't had antibiotics in many years.


I have a desire to lose weight but I also know that any changes have to be ones i can maintain long term.

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I'm 25lbs overweight and I love to run. I ran my first half marathon a few weeks ago. I do this for me, and try not to feel out of place when almost everyone else is a size 0. It does bother me when people assume larger gals must be sedentary, but stereotypes abound towards all people. I'm one of the more active people I know, and I'm a short 12/14. It's who I am.

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Me. I can do any physical activity other than run. I was an athlete when younger (super thin back then/ usually 100 lbs at 5'6) without trying. I have never been able to run on a regular basis. I hike (usually 3-6 miles multiple times a week), kayak, bike, ski, anything that comes up really. Extremely healthy with bp generally 100/60, resting pulse between 60 and 70. Take no meds on a regular basis. I eat what I want when I want it. I have found dieting causes tremendous weight gain, so I don't do it. I don't tend to overdo on eating, but I don't limit myself either. If there is cake around, I eat it. I am the size I am. My weight is due to hormonal changes and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I did spontaneously lose about 40 pounds about two years ago (?not sure on time). It was probably due to stress reduction due to fil's death (he lived with us).

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