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Need safe e-mail for kids

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What do you mean by safe? My older kids have had personal emails for many years now (currently 11,12 yos) and have not had issues with spam or inappropriate emails. They also have google accounts (for file sharing, groups, meet ups) and have not had any problems. They do have strict rules about what they may share online as far as personal information goes and I have access to all of their accounts and activity.

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My boys (2, 4 and 6) share a Gmail account that they use to communicate with their grandparents.  Anything that is sent to them automatically gets forwarded to my account...both for safety and because they don't ever check their account so I let them know when they have an email waiting for them.



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If you have gmail, you can start an address that's yours - like a second account for yourself - and then let her use it. Gmail has a pretty good filter. If she isn't entering her address for many things, she won't start getting spam, at least not right away.

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Tocomail is a safe, free email program for kids. messages that are received from "unauthorized" senders are kept in quarantine until the parent can approve them. Once approved, the kids can then read the messages. The kids or parents can put in an address book of approved addresses, and they can add more as new messages come in. My kids have been using it for a few months, and I have been pleased with it.

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We do gmail as well. For my 8 year old copies of all are sent to me, for my 11 year old I just check her account a couple times a week to make sure everything is okay. I actually signed both my older two up for these gmail accounts when they were babies (weird, I know, but I was worried at the time that there would be no nice gmail addresses by the time they were old enough to sign up for themselves). So I consider myself the "owner" of these email addresses and they know that until they are 13 and legally old enough to sign up themselves, I own their email accounts. :-) We've had zero spam problems.

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