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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! Today is family day so there isn't much I need to do.


- Mass

- lunch at parent's

- dinner at mil's

- read for an hour

- fill out some forms

- quick clean downstairs before heading to Mass

- get all kid's bathed before Mass

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Good morning

- help dh put the trim around the new floor- done

- see what dh wants to do at the front door (we have 2 cases left but will return 1)- done

- tidy house (put everything back where it belongs and use new vacuum)- done

- dishes- done

- laundry

- take dd1 to a b-day party- done

- take cans back for deposit and get a few things from store- done

- pick dd1 up- done

- school work- A&P done

- dinner- done

- school work- 1 lesson of Algebra done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- more school work- all algebra due Monday (today) done

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This morning dh and I

--walked downtown

--did our shopping at the farmers' market and natural food store

--ate brunch outdoors at our new favorite cafe

--walked home


I put a load of wash in and will hang it out when finished.


Dh and I will then go to

--EMS for hiking boots for him

--Cabela's for random things

--Costco for a few things


Once home I will

--prep dinner (dh will grill)

--plan what we're eating this week

--with dh, talk with our TX friends who will be hosting dd for 10 days beginning Tuesday (!!!!)

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Slept until almost 1pm.

Went out to lunch.

Walked to the park with my girls.  Spent hours walking around and around while they played.

Ate dinner.

Read aloud.

Got the kids to do some reading, math, and writing.

Kids bathed and to bed.


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