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9/08/08 Exercise

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I;m supposed to be on the way to my mom's house right now. I had hoped to get on the road between 9 and 10. That's not gonna happen - I still have to pack clothes and the car! but back to my run.


I got up, had quiet time. DH said the dog was already out so I figured I could put off breakfast and just go run. (The dog won't go pee if he sees me in running clothes!) I changed and headed downstairs and started gathering my "stuff" - shoes, iPod, water bottle. With the almost knee deep puddle on Saturday, I washed my shoes and near everything else as well. I had to put the liner back in my shoes, my iPod back in the arm band, the sensor back on my shoes. I got it all done, but I could not find the iPod sensor. I must have looked for 5 minutes or more. I knew I had put it in the basket where I keep my iPod. I looked 4 times. I even went upstairs, grabbed dh out of the bathroom fresh from a shower and he looked as well. We finally found it - on the shelf under the iPod basket. I attached it to my shoe and off I went.


As I leave my street I heard a siren and wondered how the dog would react if they passed us. I get about a mile into my run and see an ambulance. I saw them lifting a stretcher. I had to stop while they put the person into the ambulance. The car, presumably being driven by said person, was on the sidewalk. I never did turn and look at the front of the car. I have no idea why the person was going in the ambulance, just that they were in sock feet. And someone else at the scene was barefoot. (The odd things you notice!)


IF I had found the sensor and left right away, whatever was going on with that car would have involved me as well!


Then part of my run was still under water so I had to pick my way through the woods around it. I think it ended up around 3 miles, 30 some minutes, 10:50 pace, 3?? calories.


So that's my excitement for the day, right? It will be a smooth 4 hour drive with my kids to see my folks, right? Maybe that's even my excitement for the week!?

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IF I had found the sensor and left right away, whatever was going on with that car would have involved me as well!


Then part of my run was still under water so I had to pick my way through the woods around it. I think it ended up around 3 miles, 30 some minutes, 10:50 pace, 3?? calories.


So that's my excitement for the day, right? It will be a smooth 4 hour drive with my kids to see my folks, right? Maybe that's even my excitement for the week!?


Wow. I wonder what happened? Do you think it was a pedestrian that got hit? So crazy....glad you were late this morning. :)


I got up just about 5:20...right before the alarm went off at 5:30. I was back home by 6:00.....and had coffee on the patio with injured dh.


I feel so m uch better when I start my day with exercise.


Great job everyone.

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I understand there are much more interesting topics out there right now :D but I did get up this morning~


I had dh pull out my mountain bike this weekend and we have this contraption that turns it into a stationary bike. So, to vary my workouts, I now have a bike to ride!


I got up and rode 20 minutes (had to stop more b/c my rear was hurting so badly than anything else.) Worked up a sweat, burned some cals so all is good.


I also weighed myself after my 1st official week and lost 8.4 lbs.! Only 76.6 left to go!

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I got up this morning at 5:10, to make it to the YMCA for a 5:30 spinning class. I actually didn't have any trouble getting up to go (littlest slept until 4:30 this morning, so I got a pretty good night's sleep in our book).


Now, since I've been home, I haven't been feeling real great. I think I'm coming down with something. I went back to bed for a little while when I got home, and have been taking it easy in the big chair- dispensing grammar, Latin, etc with my feet propped up and chugging water. I can't really tell what is wrong with me- it almost feels like a flu. :confused:


The plan was to go back to the Y tonight with dh, but we'll have to see how I feel after the nap I'm planning on taking in about an hour.


About the spin class- has anyone else gone to one of these? I really like the exercise, I love to bike, love that it burns lots of calories, but it just kills my <ahem> nether-regions. :blush: I don't understand why it would hurt so much. And I don't know what to do about it. Has anyone else experienced this?? What can I do? I don't want to give up on the class, but it really is uncomfortable.


Great job to everyone else!! When I woke up at 4, it was storming pretty hard- thunder, lightning, all that, so I'm glad I had planned to go to the Y and not out running.


Side note on my running: on Friday I ran a 5K on the treadmills at the Y, and I did my best time ever!!!! 30:10 I was supposed to run a 5K yesterday, but I never registered, and then I decided against it. I do have a four mile run that I'm planning for a week from Saturday. I need to go register now, so I can't back out. :tongue_smilie:

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IWent 1.4 miles.half walk half run.


I thought for sure I had missed it, so I waited!!


Dh and I were out walking at 5 am

We did 3.2 miles at a very brisk pace.

I am really pushing him as he wants to lose weight.

My biggest fear walking in the dark is stepping on a toad/frog and the road and squishing it EWWWWW!!! I came close this morning , but I somehow saw the little bugger before I stepped on it.


Ewwww is right!!! Do you walk with a flashlight? Great walk!!


I got in 30min run and some weights. I plan to run another 30min this evening since no one has ball practice tonight.


Great job!!



So that's my excitement for the day, right? It will be a smooth 4 hour drive with my kids to see my folks, right? Maybe that's even my excitement for the week!?


YES!!!!! No more excitement for you young lady!!! Your drive will be wonderful, the kids won't fight, and your visit will be the best yet!!


VERY scary about what could have been!


It was nice and cool in my kitchen this morning. I left my windows in the kitchen open so I could run in a cool house. I had a good run, and then focused on my core for Pilates.


Good job!!!


I had dh pull out my mountain bike this weekend and we have this contraption that turns it into a stationary bike. So, to vary my workouts, I now have a bike to ride!


I got up and rode 20 minutes (had to stop more b/c my rear was hurting so badly than anything else.) Worked up a sweat, burned some cals so all is good.


I also weighed myself after my 1st official week and lost 8.4 lbs.! Only 76.6 left to go!


Where do you get a contraption like that? I think I'd love that for the winter when it's too icy to go outside. I don't have a bike, but I could adjust dh's!


What are you doing to lose the weight?


I got up this morning at 5:10, to make it to the YMCA for a 5:30 spinning class. I actually didn't have any trouble getting up to go (littlest slept until 4:30 this morning, so I got a pretty good night's sleep in our book).


Now, since I've been home, I haven't been feeling real great. I think I'm coming down with something. I went back to bed for a little while when I got home, and have been taking it easy in the big chair- dispensing grammar, Latin, etc with my feet propped up and chugging water. I can't really tell what is wrong with me- it almost feels like a flu. :confused:


Side note on my running: on Friday I ran a 5K on the treadmills at the Y, and I did my best time ever!!!! 30:10 I was supposed to run a 5K yesterday, but I never registered, and then I decided against it. I do have a four mile run that I'm planning for a week from Saturday. I need to go register now, so I can't back out. :tongue_smilie:


Wow - that's early!!! I hope you feel better after your nap.


How often does your Y have those races? What a great idea!! GO register!!


Yeah! I did my lower body BFL workout this morning first thing!! :D



Good job!!


I ran 3 miles this morning. It was a TERRIBLE run again! Each week the run after my long one is awful!!! I guess I just need to work through it. I took Sunday off to recover, but maybe it wasn't enough. Anyway, I had to stop and walk a couple times. But, it's done - right?

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Where do you get a contraption like that? I think I'd love that for the winter when it's too icy to go outside. I don't have a bike, but I could adjust dh's!


What are you doing to lose the weight?




I got mine from a local mountain bike store, I'd check local sporting or bike stores. Or, here's one on Amazon - this is the one I have, if you order online, make sure you get the block for the front tire, also. (I'm sure they'd advise you of this in the store.) We were friends with a big mountain biker in CA and he said Minoura is the best brand. I love mine - used to use it tons before the kids came. :) Mine allows you to adjust the tension (which I already have on my bike, but some bikes don't) which is a nice feature, as well. Mine is pretty quiet - if you go too cheap they can be really loud!


For the diet, I am just counting calories. Some of the gals here pointed me to Spark People which has been a Godsend! It's kind of like a Weight Watchers online, but so much more. It allows you to pick whichever diet or eating plan you're doing and you can (but don't have to) journal your food online. It is helping me tons, because:


1. It's a great community where I already *know* some WTM buddies who are on there - great encouragement


2. When I said I wanted to count calories, it gave me a suggested range (which one can adjust) for grams of Carbs, Fat and Protein I should be eating per day. Instead of eating all of my calories in Ice Cream, I can see how to eat more balanced. I am loving it.


3. It's free - can't beat that!


4. You can view other members profiles for encouragement - success stories, YKWIM?


Thanks for the encouragement.

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Yay to everyone for working out! I wonder how many miles we collectively cover each day?


I have early morning meetings on Mondays, so planned to walk in the afternoon. (Loving that the summer heat has mellowed enough to do this) Just as I was headed out, it started to rain. Since I'm made of sugar, I feared I might melt. :D


Instead I headed upstairs to my exercise bike. Thirty minutes later, I had covered 7.3 virtual miles. And listened to an audio book on my iPod.

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Instead I headed upstairs to my exercise bike. Thirty minutes later, I had covered 7.3 virtual miles. And listened to an audio book on my iPod.


That's a great idea! The only thing on this morning when I was riding my bike was the news...and I can't tell you much I despise the news. Do you look at anything when you ride? I would think I'd need something to look at. One more question - does your bike track your miles or do you have another device?

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That's a great idea! The only thing on this morning when I was riding my bike was the news...and I can't tell you much I despise the news. Do you look at anything when you ride? I would think I'd need something to look at. One more question - does your bike track your miles or do you have another device?


The bike has a digital display thingy that tracks the miles.


Normally, I put a book or magazine on the rack in front of me. I love my reading rack. Today, I wanted to watch the rain out the window, thus the iPod.


I wish I could watch TV or a movie, but my bike is an airdyne and makes lots of noise whoosing air around.

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