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I might get to take my daughter to an Obama rally!!

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I am so excited! I worked for the democratic party for 3 years a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (NY--I am now in VA). I have never taken my daughter to anything political. I just found out there is an Obama rally next week, not too far from me, and, if I can get a ride (I don't have a car), we can go! I am beyond excited!!!


Does that sound silly? I don't like to ask for prayers for things--I don't like to get into other people's religious space, and I do feel God has much more important things to do, but best wishes would be appreciated!

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I have taken my kids to political rallies before and had a lot of fun. My middle dd12 really loves them (she's kind of into history and politics) and has asked to go to one this year if possible. Either I or my parents will take her if we can. Just not for (ahem) Obama.

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I have taken my kids to political rallies before and had a lot of fun. My middle dd12 really loves them (she's kind of into history and politics) and has asked to go to one this year if possible. Either I or my parents will take her if we can. Just not for (ahem) Obama.



Really? Who else is there? ;)

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I am so excited! I worked for the democratic party for 3 years a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (NY--I am now in VA). I have never taken my daughter to anything political. I just found out there is an Obama rally next week, not too far from me, and, if I can get a ride (I don't have a car), we can go! I am beyond excited!!!


Does that sound silly? I don't like to ask for prayers for things--I don't like to get into other people's religious space, and I do feel God has much more important things to do, but best wishes would be appreciated!


I hope you'll get to go, Aly!! It will be a great memory for your and your dd. I was *so excited* to go to the McCain/Palin rally this coming Tuesday, went and picked up tickets for our whole family yesterday-- then this morning I remembered that we have plans to babysit for some friends that day. :sad: So, we'll have to hope there will be another one near us sometime before the election. It's possible, because PA is a popular state for campaigning.


But I hope it works out for you!!



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I don't think it's silly at all!


i think it is really important to get to hear the candidates speak --especially when it is someone we like :D


We went to a Ron Paul rally, but i wasn't really impressed w/ his public speaking skills. like his ideas, but I'd rather READ them and see his votes.


We went to an Obama rally [that same week!] in Dallas when he was still campaigning against Hillary. It only reinforced what i already thought, but it was definitely interesting :) very well organized tho-- I was impressed! i just wish they had portapotties closer than the hotel two blocks down... :glare:


and i hope hope hope that they do NOT introduce him as "a man with the integrity of Kennedy" anymore.......... that did not help his case here, lol. ;)


kennedy? which kennedy? what kind of integrity?

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