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Exercise Thread ~ June 14th - June 20th


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Thursday- grappling drill work in the a.m.  martial arts class in the p.m.


Today- I didn't sleep a wink last night.  I fed my younger kids this morning and am hoping for a nap- my exercise for today will be trying not to bite anyone's head off.  


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So today I sort of ditched my neighbor in favor of a class. I didn't have plans to work out with her, but she texted me in the morning asking if I wanted to do a kickboxing video with her and her daughter. I was already planning on going to bootcamp and told her so. Still I feel badly. The class was pretty intense. It is outdoors, and the weather today was so humid, my windows in the house were all fogged up. Needless to say, I was drenched by the end of the class, but I'm happy to say that I was pretty good about keeping up with the more advanced women. I do have some weaknesses, but overall, my endurance is getting better, and I'm getting a lot stronger too.

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Thursday- grappling drill work in the a.m. martial arts class in the p.m.


Today- I didn't sleep a wink last night. I fed my younger kids this morning and am hoping for a nap- my exercise for today will be trying not to bite anyone's head off.

I hope you get to take a nap at some point today. I always feel so much more rested after a 30 minute cat nap, but any longer and I end up with a headache and a case of laziness.

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It rained out the softball game last night so I went to RIP and Yoga. I managed to do something to my back. Yow! I got up this morning and did very gentl yoga and stretching. That at least got me mobile. I didn't want to jar what I just fixed with the yoga so I did the elliptical instead of running. Weirdly it feels much better now and I push mowed the front yard. I thought when I got up this morning I was going to be cripped up all day. Strange. We have some pretty severe flooding and washed out roads and it's supposed to rain more this weekend so I'm thinking swimming may be where I should have put my attention. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I think our planned lake trip is not happening so I may let my kids go see Inside Out so we can get out of the house.

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4 mile run this morning.  It was still difficult but not awful.  I'm hoping to run at least 4 of my runs at 4 miles next week.  I'm trying to get back up to my old milage. I'm also planning some yoga later today. 


I can't remember if I posted, but my labs all came back normal.  My B12 was on the lower side, but within the norm. I'm just getting old. :)



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Went for a run this morning and then discovered the riding mower is kaput. Push mowed our back acre excepting where we still have standing water. It was mighty mushy and mighty high. Far more work than my run. I also threw in parade attendance and grocery shopping. We finished up the night with our new (to us) edition of '90's Trivial Pursuit. I was obviously too busy having babies to remember much :blush:

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