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Hey Canadians - we get an election too.

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Funny the difference in how politics are felt in different countries. I have gotten a kick out of Harper campaigning before an election was even called, but beyond that I really don't care. I am so far removed from politics it is scary, case in point, Harper was PM for almost 6 months before I realized we had a new PM. :leaving:

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Ooooo....look! We've got scandal too! :D


Harper has several hobbies and has participated in many artistic endeavours. He is an avid fan of ice hockey and of the Calgary Flames' date=' although on a October 4, 2006 Toronto Maple Leafs game, cameras had caught him raising his arms after a Toronto goal which raised questions by hockey fans.[/quote']
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Funny the difference in how politics are felt in different countries. I have gotten a kick out of Harper campaigning before an election was even called


What is up with that! I noticed all the commercials for him last week. I wonder how this will affect his party - especially because of the fixed election date law. Kind of nice to break the law that you pushed through.

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Oh, I love it. I have no one to discuss Canadian politics with here in the States. But sorry, I haven't anything to argue about as, gulp, I've been too busy following the local elections.


But, hey, as for only getting 2 pages of argument (I don't get that, because on my PC it's only 1 page), that's because Canada has a population similar to that of the state of California, and there are just far fewer Canadians on this forum as Americans. Any country that invented ice hockey can have some hot fights, politics included. And scandals. And PMs who talk to their dead dogs and mothers (okay, one PM, and that's NOT a private message;))


What do you think of that, eh?

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But dude, it was a leafs game! wuld1s.png


*looks around the house* at the leafs bear, leafs blanket, leafs poster, leafs ornament, leafs mug, leafs artwork done by the kids..... :biggrinjester:


Perhaps we should have another thread vehemently debating just which hockey team is history's best--I guarantee that neither the Flames nor the Leafs top my list...;):D

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however I have a vested interest, in that my cousin, Lois Brown, is the Conservative candidate for York Region in Ontario. If I was still living in Ontario, I would be out on the campaign trail for her - up until 2 yrs ago we lived 2 blocks away from each other so she is also the candidate for my riding. She is a woman of passion and conviction and is desperate to make a difference in her community and country.


I am glad it is only a 6 week stint....when I tell American's how short our campaign timeframe is, they are envious.

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Should we start have fierce debates here as well? I've been feeling a bit left out. :glare:


Seriously, I don't want to discuss it here at all but I just had to say that.


When SWB asked the board, "Should we allow political threads?" I voted no, in part because of the international nature of these forums. I thought that there are quite a few people here who are NOT either US citizens nor living in the US, and you might begin to feel left out. Sorry that this did happen.


:patriot: And, what's with this? We can have a little USA flag, but I don't see flags from anywhere else. Sorry.

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Oh, I love it. I have no one to discuss Canadian politics with here in the States. But sorry, I haven't anything to argue about as, gulp, I've been too busy following the local elections.


But, hey, as for only getting 2 pages of argument (I don't get that, because on my PC it's only 1 page), that's because Canada has a population similar to that of the state of California, and there are just far fewer Canadians on this forum as Americans. Any country that invented ice hockey can have some hot fights, politics included. And scandals. And PMs who talk to their dead dogs and mothers (okay, one PM, and that's NOT a private message;))


What do you think of that, eh?


Funny, very funny! :001_smile:


You are right. We love to argue about our hockey. Dh still follows the Senators. It has been 10 years since we lived in Ottawa.


Honsestly, I do not even know the political issues in Canada anymore. I'm sure I am not familiar with the parties. They have changed alot in the last 10 years. I'd really like to vote. I miss many things about home but that is the worst.

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It really was a joke. Truth be told, I'm a bit horrified by the political "debates" that we're seeing here and I'd feel guilty if the threat I started turned into one that hurt feelings and caused moderators to have to intervene.


And we tend not to wave flags so that's probably OK too.


However, we (and I'm sure I can speak broadly on this) appreciate your concern. Thanks. :)


And a hug across the 49th for you :grouphug: (not forgetting that there are Americans above the 49th and Canadians below it)

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When SWB asked the board, "Should we allow political threads?" I voted no


I voted no, too, mostly because of hoping to find more homeschooling support on the general board, and helping out newbies who might be confused about the small amount of homeschool threads on that board.


But you know the saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em....so here I go...


I just have to say that I find this whole thread to be hilariously *Canadian*!!!! I love how Canadians poke fun at themselves and make light of politics (don't get me wrong, I think politics is important) "Oh, an election was called?"


My dual-citizen mind is having a hard time wrapping itself around two elections......LOL!


When I first came here, dh made me watch a movie called Canadian Bacon. I should watch it again, cuz I'd probably understand a lot more of it now, LOL! "oh, I'm sorry!" "no, I'm sorry!" heh heh I love living here.

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When SWB asked the board, "Should we allow political threads?" I voted no, in part because of the international nature of these forums. I thought that there are quite a few people here who are NOT either US citizens nor living in the US, and you might begin to feel left out. Sorry that this did happen.


:patriot: And, what's with this? We can have a little USA flag, but I don't see flags from anywhere else. Sorry.


:lol: Actually, as a Canadian I find American politics fascinating and much more fun to follow than Canadian politics. In fact, I've been so busy reading about Palin that I didn't even notice we were having our own election. Oops. I think I need to find myself a good, online Canadian news source and get up to date.

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I just have to say that I find this whole thread to be hilariously *Canadian*!!!! I love how Canadians poke fun at themselves and make light of politics (don't get me wrong, I think politics is important) "Oh, an election was called?"



Yes, we are a fun bunch. I'm afraid I may have offended poor Heather already. At the risk of being Candian....I am so sorry. (as I leave to find out what the moderators will start deleting.) Boy, I wish I lived back home. :leaving:

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I feel the same way as Sarah. Sadly, I know more about American politics than I know about the politics of my own country. I can find sources online about American politics anywhere. But there aren't as many similar Canadian sites.


Does anyone have any online Canadian news source that they use on a regular basis?

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But dude, it was a leafs game! wuld1s.png


*looks around the house* at the leafs bear, leafs blanket, leafs poster, leafs ornament, leafs mug, leafs artwork done by the kids..... :biggrinjester:


Perhaps we should have another thread vehemently debating just which hockey team is history's best--I guarantee that neither the Flames nor the Leafs top my list...;):D


I read this....and I thought....ruh-roh!......and sure enough.....I find this blasphemy! on the next page! :sneaky2:


I've been a Canadiens fan since I watched Hockey Night in Canada as a little girl on my dad's lap when I had insomnia.





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No hockey here either and my ancestors were United Empire Loyalists. I figure real Canadians are multicultural so we do martial arts and soccer.



I haven't actually watched a hockey game in years! It's only fun IRL, not on TV. My kids don't play hockey--there's no way I'm getting up in the middle of the night to freeze sitting on a bench in an ice arena.


Nevertheless, I'm still a Canadiens fan (too bad, Bruins;)), think that the NHL should never have expanded beyond 12 teams because it's too watered down;), my dad plays ice hockey in an over 70 league, 2 of my brothers grew up playing hockey (one later ref'd & assisted my dad in coaching the youngest's team), and my sister picked up the sport a few years ago (at over 40). My dad grew up playing it outdoors in the prairies, despite being the son of immigrant/refugees.


Oh, yes, did I mention that I hate the fights in ice hockey? Loathe them. Once I was given a free ticket to a Canucks game and I walked out near the end during an enormous brawl. I appreciate good skating and puck handling, when I watch, which is never now.

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can't beat 'em, join 'em....so here I go...


I just have to say that I find this whole thread to be hilariously *Canadian*!!!! I love how Canadians poke fun at themselves and make light of politics (don't get me wrong, I think politics is important) "Oh, an election was called?"


My dual-citizen mind is having a hard time wrapping itself around two elections......LOL!


When I first came here, dh made me watch a movie called Canadian Bacon. I should watch it again, cuz I'd probably understand a lot more of it now, LOL! "oh, I'm sorry!" "no, I'm sorry!" heh heh I love living here.


Do you know that when I was in my mid-20s and going to school in the States (before moving back to Canada) I saw that movie. I kept telling Americans how fake that movie was since where I grew up was nothing like that. I'd never even heard of a beer store, or the term hosers before (that just wasn't part of the Canadian west coast, at least not when I grew up there). Then, shock of all shocks (or, to quote my 10 yo in a story she started at 9, "by the gosh of all goshes") I moved to Ontario--there really are beer stores and there really was a term "hoser."

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I think you can all guess I'm a Canadien fan! I was a die-hard fan before, when the team could actually speak French .Nowadays it's so multilingual I don't know how they can communicate on the ice, but still, I follow the games.


On the other hand, I don't have a single child interested in hockey. What can I say? My boy wants synchronised swimming, not hockey!

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I think you can all guess I'm a Canadien fan! I was a die-hard fan before, when the team could actually speak French .Nowadays it's so multilingual I don't know how they can communicate on the ice, but still, I follow the games.


On the other hand, I don't have a single child interested in hockey. What can I say? My boy wants synchronised swimming, not hockey!


Hey, my ds is starting tap dance tomorrow. He's got rhythm, but, so far, not much coordination in the sports department.

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Hey I just found out that Stephen Harper will be in our town on Friday - some sort of rally thing, according to the newspaper...I'm gonna try and take dd11 down so I can point him out to her...depends though, as they've got a four hour span listed as his arrival time and it starts to get late in the evening....we'll see. :)

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Hey I just found out that Stephen Harper will be in our town on Friday - some sort of rally thing, according to the newspaper...I'm gonna try and take dd11 down so I can point him out to her...depends though, as they've got a four hour span listed as his arrival time and it starts to get late in the evening....we'll see. :)


Can I come? I'll bring the tomatoes? :D


But isn't this typical? Here we have a thread about the election and half the threads have something to do with beer or hockey!

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