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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Humid today. Poor night's sleep :( I may drive to the gym and use a machine after training instead of walking.



--make gf/df vanilla rhubarb muffins for the girls

--gardening: pick whatever needs picking, weed as needed

--check ripening fruit :)

--some Alaska trip things :)

--daily and Thursday tasks

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Morning everyone!


Insomnia seems to have been rampant for lots of my friends of late, me too.  Hope you get some rest Luckymama.  I can't nap, throws me off, but I can go to bed early I hope.


Regular stuff and grocery shopping on my agenda today.



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Good morning!  I was hoping to get a head start on my work by waking up early, but I just kept hitting the snooze.  Drat.  So now I am stressed out as usual.  I have at least 2 conference calls today, many emails to answer, a ton of desk work, construction guys working on the garage, the maids working in the house (and I still need to clean for them), and my kids home all day (no camp).


So.  The list.

  • Prepare for and conduct morning conference call.
  • Get the kids started on their day - breakfast, work list, chores, bath....
  • Work.
  • Move kids' junk out of the way during work breaks.
  • Direct the maids during work breaks.  Find something for the kids to do away from the maids.
  • 2nd conference call and more work.
  • Dinner and read-aloud.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
  • Whatever other house things I feel inspired to do after all that.  (I get on a roll when days are busy....)
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Good morning! Dd1driving everyone to practice this morning. We have two cars because Dh is out of town. So I will spend most of the day at home. Cleaning. Is it weird that I am looking forward to it?


To do:

Dust/bathrooms/mop floors

Do some cooking

Last things of school for dd1

Order transcripts

Get everything ready to send out Monday

School planning stuff

Dd2 has dr appointment

Ds3 has track after practice (I do that)

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Today is a CRAZY UNUSUAL day for me!!


I start WORKING outside the home for the first time in about 17 years!

I will be working training cognitive function, part-time in the evenings.  Today is my first day of observing the "tutoring" sessions.  Sunday is the first day of all day training.


Today's plans:


Reschedule DS' physical because apparently the boy scout trip has a deadline :D

Call One Call and have utilities marked so the gentleman can dig the wells for our basement egress windows

Call lawyer and schedule a new will.  Our last one was done in 2001 - when we had two kiddos. ;)

Work on essay intensive with DS

Barton x 3




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Yawn!! The 2 youngest had me up on and off all night so I'm not going to function well today. The only thing I'll make myself do today is wash diapers. Other than that I'll finish the Downstairs clean/decluttering when I have energy. Once that is done it will look marvelous downstairs and everything will have a place to stay

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Good morning, today is the first day of summer break for dd1 :)

- school work- wrote my chapter notes, will start on lab and look at those quizes later

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry

- oversee dd1 cleaning her room- round 1 done

- dinner- meat thawed

- pick up dd1's friend for a sleep over after dh gets home- dh is getting her

- baths

- bedtime routine

- more school work

- anything else I get done- filled up car before gas prices go up, see dh at work and took him some heartburn meds, took a short nap with dd2

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Having a rough day.  Very achy sluggish muscles today.  Like achy quicksand.  


I got up.  Actually - I got jolted awake by the phone - a hang up.  Gaaah.  Not early or anything but still.


I have eaten breakfast.  


And I took ds to work and picked him up again and bought a few groceries.  


Oh, and I've been making calls and texts for MILs doctor appt. tomorrow.

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Lived through the 2 conference calls.  Pretty much wiped out for the day.  :P  I will get my second wind later and crank out a bunch of work before the boss lady returns from her business trip tomorrow.


The maids arrived almost an hour late (as usual), so they will be here until dinner time I guess.  I am thinking about getting me and the girls a haircut before gymnastics, but now I don't know if we have time.


Back to work, I just remembered a deadline I need to attend to.

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