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Anyone want to start Couch-to-5k with me next week?


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I'm in.  I tried several months ago, but stopped.  The app on my ipad has a timer that goes off so I don't have to look at my watch.  I listen to podcasts while I do it as well.



I'm in. I started C25K in January and made it to week 5, but then due to pneumonia, DH and DS health issues, being busy, etc. haven't been exercising regularly. I think I have done weeks 3 & 4 about 3 times each since February because it has been a day or two on, followed by a week or two off.


But this summer, I have time blocked out in the mornings while the kids are at swim team so I'm really going to try to get through the whole program this time.



I'm in. I was considering starting tomorrow and this just works out great!!



I'm in!


I need to measure around my block. What is a good way to do this?



I just did the first day today. I finished couch to 5K before my third, but then stopped running during that pregnancy and haven't managed to pick up a regular exercise habit since.  :o But, I'm determined to do a zombie 5K this fall! They haven't posted fall races on my park district website yet, but I can't wait to sign up, because that's probably the best form of accountability for me. I have allergies, too. I do do some running outside, but I use my treadmill a lot, and I feel justified in indulging in crappy tv (gonna work on the first season of Girls) while I run


:hurray:  Awesome! Week 1, Workout 1 done!


I've had the free app on my Ipod for years.  I've never even started but I'll give it a go.  We belong to the Y and dh has been bugging me to go more often so maybe this will help.  I find walking on the treadmill soooooo boring, maybe this will add some interest.


I definitely plan to take it slow and repeat weeks since I'm greatly out of shape, overweight, have long standing knee problems, and plantar fasciitis.  I will do time not distance especially to start off.



I'm in. I did C25K a few years ago and loved it. Have run in a year they, and need to start again. Last time I used the music tracks from podrunners and loved it.



I'm in :) I have restarted twice lately. I find if I skip a week or two, I need to restart or I get stuck. I successfully finished c25k a couple years ago, lost 25+ pounds and was feeling great. I have gained that weight back and miss loving jogging. I did like it after the initial couple weeks.


My favorite apps are c25k by zen labs. I also keep my distance and speed tracked by runkeeper. I listen to google music while I jog. I will be changing to a free app soon though. Probably spotify or milk.



Can I join up late? We'll be back from vacation on the 17th. I could use some accountability. I run/walk on a treadmill.



:party:  :party: Woohoo!! Loved reading all your posts!

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I haven't even started yet, and I'm already coming up with questions and concerns! :)


1. I think a 9 week training schedule is actually pretty ambitious. And since other people have mentioned having problems and dropping it, I am giving myself permission in advance to repeat weeks rather than progress to the next if I feel that I need to. I don't mind taking more than 9 weeks to do this. Heck, I don't care if it takes me the rest of the year. I'll still be in a better place at the end of the year than if I don't do it at all, right?


2. Those of you who did have problems and dropped out, do you remember what week you were in when you ran into trouble? Because if there's a pattern, that might be helpful to know in advance. For example, if lots of people got discouraged during week 6, I might repeat week 5 a few times.


3. I am a sloooow jogger. I mean, pathetically slow. Embarrassingly slow. So when the training schedule says "jog 5 minutes or 1/2 a mile" -- well, yeah, I'd love to be able to cover 1/2 a mile in 5 minutes, but I know that I can't! (Which means, unfortunately, that I won't be able to use those nifty apps or music downloads, I'll have to use my GPS) I just wanted to put that out there in case there is anyone else who runs at the pace of a turtle stampeding through peanut butter. Come hang out with me at the back of the pack. I'll bring the wine. (For after the run, of course. :D )


Oh, on a more serious note, though, for anyone who is a slow runner, or anyone who feels like "I'm not a runner" (both apply to me!) the book The Courage to Start by John Bingham is really encouraging.


Thank you for asking these questions! I'm bummed about not being able to use the apps either. That would be great, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to tweak the program. I'll have to see if my library has the book you recommended!


I wish I could! I started it last year and got up to week six, I think it was. I really enjoyed it, but apparently I have a prolapsed bladder, and the running was making it rapidly worse. The doctor basically told me if I kept running like I was I would end up having to carry my bladder around in a bag.  :glare:


Oh, Mergath, that sucks. I have bladder issues too, but I don't think that bad? I'll have to Google and find out what the warning signs are that all my bits down there might not like running/jogging. Ha! Maybe you could modify the program and do walking?


I agree that it is an ambitious plan. I've successfully used C25K twice (before and after a pregnancy). Both times, I hit a wall at week 3 and week 5. I chose to repeat the previous week, then do the trouble week twice also. So, my an ended up being Week 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. No shame in that! The second time I did C25K, I actually skipped weeks 8 and 9 because I was ready for the full distance after doing my long routine up to week 7.


I am a very slow runner (about a 14 minute mile now, 15-16 minutes back then) so when I do C25K, I run for time, not distance. I absolutely could not have successfully completed C25K for distance back then...it took me 48 minutes to run my first 5K and the training programs only plan for about 30 minutes as the longest runs. Instead, I complete the program for time, then continue to slowly increase my time until I'm running as long as I want to be running. I prefer to run for 60 minutes now, which is about 4 miles, and I throw in longer runs of 1.5 hours (6 miles) weekly or so, but it took me many additional months of training to get to that distance.


If I try to run faster, I get hurt. Because I absolutely love to run, I have no interest in increasing my speed at the risk of injury.


Embrace your pace and have fun!!


Awesome! Thanks so much for posting what works for you!!

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I'm in!


I haven't heard of this one before, and was just planning on starting to exercise tomorrow, now that the kids are finished with school. I already take the dog for a 15 minute walk everyday, I don't think it'd be hard to find an extra 5 minutes, and she would love it if I would jog with her more.


Thanks for introducing me to this! A group to keep me accountable is very helpful.

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Alright ya'll, I've decided that I'm probably being too ambitious with my heatlh (or lack thereof  :glare: ) conditions to start with walking/jogging. Sooo, I'm going to do walking/power walking. When I can power walk 3 miles, then, I'll start the program over again the way it was intended.


I'm feeling at peace and super excited about my plan, but the down side is that it's going to take me more time each day to complete my workouts, since I'll be going by distance (except for the first two weeks which go exclusively by time). But, it's summer, and what a great way to spend my free time and this gorgeous weather getting in shape.  :001_wub:  

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Every November I would start working out. Every spring I could not breathe, get frustrated and stop. This year I know why and am monitoring my health and working with my allergist to make sure I stay healthy. I had to stop all of March and most of April while I fought a sinus infection. It has been slow since but I am managing ok.

I fight that same battle, and it's been especially challenging this year. I have been thinking about the conservative C25K plan, which stretches to 28 weeks.




The Eowyn Challenge is for walking, someone may have already mentioned it up thread.



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 When fitness walking you incorporate the muscles of the upper body making it a GREAT aerobic activity. It burns approximately the same calories as running, yet it is much easier on the body. Because more muscles are used it burns calories much quicker than less aggressive walking. It also tones muscles in the buttocks, thighs, hips, shoulders, upper back and abs. Most fitness walkers average about 12 to 15 minutes per mile.




Hey, power walking is aerobic exercise! I didn't know that. Awesome.

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Or join the exercise thread. We have several runners there.


Thanks for the invite! Totally didn't think of that thread as it never remotely pertained to me. Haha!


I think I'll do a summer C25K thread, and, then, maybe we'll move on over to the exercise thread after our group finishes our specific goal!

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I fight that same battle, and it's been especially challenging this year. I have been thinking about the conservative C25K plan, which stretches to 28 weeks.




The Eowyn Challenge is for walking, someone may have already mentioned it up thread.




Just look into the conservative C25K plan, and it looks great too. Thanks for sharing!



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I've been thinking about this all day since I read your post. I've downloaded the app, updated my music list, put a loaf of bread in the oven to bake, left dh in charge of the kids, and I'm headed out the door for my first day at this. If I survive, count me in. :)

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I've been thinking about this all day since I read your post. I've downloaded the app, updated my music list, put a loaf of bread in the oven to bake, left dh in charge of the kids, and I'm headed out the door for my first day at this. If I survive, count me in. :)


I'm so excited for you!  :hurray:

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Do any of you walker/joggers want to give us newbies tips for success? I'm pretty clueless, except I know wait 2-3 hours after a meal to workout and drink enough water throughout the day.


My best advice is to go for time, not distance. You can build up speed after you build your endurance. I started with something like a 20-minute mile; now I can do it in 12. The apps are great (I use this one: http://c25kfree.com/, but there are several), and you can absolutely use them even if you don't run the entire time or distance it recommends. Keep repeating that workout until you get it, then move up. I'm actually repeating the program this summer, focusing on pushing my speed during the run segments and using the walk segments for recovery.


I've never been very particular about how long I wait after I eat, etc. (my stomach is not sensitive), but YMMV. Do drink lots of water. If you have access to a track at a gym or local high school, use it at least some of the time; your joints will thank you. And if you haven't been properly fitted for a good pair of running or walking shoes, DO SO BEFORE YOU START! This is especially important if you are overweight or out of shape.


Any tips on how to stretch properly? The muscles right above my knees are sore, and right above my ankles too. I'll try this with you all. My one son loves to run, and I just started a couple days ago to try. This sounds perfect since I alternate jogging and walking anyway. As of two days ago, I was a perfect couch potato :)


Never stretch cold. Do it after your warm-up, if you must, but better to wait until the end when you're loose. Or so says my trainer. The foam roller is your friend. Take it slow and work up, but remember that sore and injured are not the same thing, so don't use it as an excuse (ask me how I know people do this). Look at soreness as a badge of honor -- and remember that the soreness usually works itself out as you move, so exercising is better than sitting! (Of course, if you are truly injured, seek proper medical attention.)


I'm a dropout too :-( Maybe I'll try again with walking....last time I was doing well and SO proud of myself but I injured my hip doing it and could NOT continue :-( It is apparently a common injury for inexperienced/out of shape runners.


Not sure what kind of injury you had, but if it was piriformis syndrome, I've had that as well. Again, the foam roller is your best friend. Rolling out your hip before and after a run can make a HUGE difference. I needed to do this daily when I started running, and now I rarely have any trouble with my piriformis. PM me if you want more info.

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My best advice is to go for time, not distance. You can build up speed after you build your endurance. I started with something like a 20-minute mile; now I can do it in 12. The apps are great (I use this one: http://c25kfree.com/, but there are several), and you can absolutely use them even if you don't run the entire time or distance it recommends. Keep repeating that workout until you get it, then move up. I'm actually repeating the program this summer, focusing on pushing my speed during the run segments and using the walk segments for recovery.


I've never been very particular about how long I wait after I eat, etc. (my stomach is not sensitive), but YMMV. Do drink lots of water. If you have access to a track at a gym or local high school, use it at least some of the time; your joints will thank you. And if you haven't been properly fitted for a good pair of running or walking shoes, DO SO BEFORE YOU START! This is especially important if you are overweight or out of shape.



Never stretch cold. Do it after your warm-up, if you must, but better to wait until the end when you're loose. Or so says my trainer. The foam roller is your friend. Take it slow and work up, but remember that sore and injured are not the same thing, so don't use it as an excuse (ask me how I know people do this). Look at soreness as a badge of honor -- and remember that the soreness usually works itself out as you move, so exercising is better than sitting! (Of course, if you are truly injured, seek proper medical attention.)



Not sure what kind of injury you had, but if it was piriformis syndrome, I've had that as well. Again, the foam roller is your best friend. Rolling out your hip before and after a run can make a HUGE difference. I needed to do this daily when I started running, and now I rarely have any trouble with my piriformis. PM me if you want more info.


Thank you so much for this great BTDT advice!


You talked me into downloading the app. I'll have to use DH's cell phone which means I'll need to do my workouts in the evening when he's home. I was thinking that would be the best time anyways, so using the app. helped make that decision.


I bought running shoes at Costco a few months ago and they're super comfortable. I was surprised because they're super light weight. Nothing fancy, but the price was right and they seem to be working for me on walks and stuff. http://www.costco.com/Fila%C2%AE-Ladies%E2%80%99-Fresh-Lightweight-Running-Shoe-Blue.product.100139653.html


I've heard great things about those rollers from my BIL recently. I'll have to check into them. I think a good stretch afterwards is going to be important for me managing my chronic pain. I'm thinking about doing a longer, more intensive stretching the days between workouts too.


Thanks so, so much, PeachyDoodle.You ROCK!!

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I'll join in! I've started C25k a couple of times in the past but never finished. I probably could have run the whole 3 miles by the end last time though - just not in 30 minutes. I started the Whole30 last week and adding in C25k this week lines up perfectly with my summer "get healthy and fit" goals. I've been trying to walk the 3 miles around my block several mornings a week anyway so I'll just do C25k for the beginning and then run the rest.


A question: Is it a 5 minute warm-up walk + run/walk intervals for 20 minutes for a total of 25 minutes, or 5 minute warm-up + run/walk intervals for 15 minutes for a total of 20 minutes? I could never decide.

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I survived Week 1 Day 1! I'm feeling pretty optimistic as I really want to do this. I definitely need a new pair of shoes and some lighter clothes. Next time I will have water before heading out.


For anyone else who is curious about the app, I was confused when it said 30 minutes in one spot and 20 in another. The 30 includes a 5 minute brisk walk warmup and a 5 minute cooldown walk. The 20 minutes alternated 1 minute of jogging with 1:30 walking. I used the free C25K app by Zen Labs. It was very useful as it let me play music and then would vibrate and use a voice prompt to tell me what to switch to at the right time.


Thanks for initiating this. I'm quite excited! If my friend can run a marathon, I can do a 5K. And so can all of you too! It will be fun to do this together.

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A question: Is it a 5 minute warm-up walk + run/walk intervals for 20 minutes for a total of 25 minutes, or 5 minute warm-up + run/walk intervals for 15 minutes for a total of 20 minutes? I could never decide.

According to the app it is a 5 minute warmup + 20 minute run/walk intervals + 5 minute cooldown

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Thank you so much for this great BTDT advice!


You talked me into downloading the app. I'll have to use DH's cell phone which means I'll need to do my workouts in the evening when he's home. I was thinking that would be the best time anyways, so using the app. helped make that decision.


I bought running shoes at Costco a few months ago and they're super comfortable. I was surprised because they're super light weight. Nothing fancy, but the price was right and they seem to be working for me on walks and stuff. http://www.costco.com/Fila%C2%AE-Ladies%E2%80%99-Fresh-Lightweight-Running-Shoe-Blue.product.100139653.html


I've heard great things about those rollers from my BIL recently. I'll have to check into them. I think a good stretch afterwards is going to be important for me managing my chronic pain. I'm thinking about doing a longer, more intensive stretching the days between workouts too.


Thanks so, so much, PeachyDoodle.You ROCK!!


Trust me, if I can run, ANYBODY can run. I was the chubby girl who always came in last during the mile in middle school, with literally the entire grade sitting on the bleachers waiting for me. Talk about humiliating. I never thought I would be a running evangelist, but here I am. I do lots of other kinds of workouts too (all new for me in the past 18 months or so), but running is 100% "me" time. I plug in my favorite podcast and completely zone out for 45 minutes or an hour. I don't have to talk to anybody or think about anything but breathing. It's heaven.


Good luck! You ALL can do this! You are not in competition with anybody but yourself, so just keep working to do a little bit more today than YOU did yesterday. You are already ahead of everybody on the couch!

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Thank you so much for posting this. This is such a huge help! Very encouraging.


It never really occurred to me to do it for time instead of distance. I will look at the training schedule again and give that some serious thought. That's probably a really good idea.


Thank you again!


ETA: It's especially encouraging to hear from another not-so-speedy runner. :) The last time I calculated my speed, I ran a 16-minute mile. That was a long time ago, and I'm afraid it might be even worse now! I'm so encouraged to hear that you've gotten your time down to 14. That's great! And it gives me hope. :grouphug:


Here is the Cool Running C25K plan that offers plans for either running for distance and for time.





I don't know anyone else who runs as slowly as me and actually sticks with it, but I've been running at that 14 minute pace 3-5 times a week for over a year (and before/between pregnancies, I logged a few years too). It works for me.


ETA: There are podcasts for C25K that are scheduled for time rather than distance. I used Running Into Shape's podcasts for my training. She now has several different podcasts with different styles of music, but I used her originals. It's so nice to have a voice in your ear to tell you when that never-ending 60 seconds of running finally ends in week 1. :-)   http://runningintoshape.com/5k-training-downloads/

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Here is the Cool Running C25K plan that offers plans for either running for distance and for time.





I don't know anyone else who runs as slowly as me and actually sticks with it, but I've been running at that 14 minute pace 3-5 times a week for over a year (and before/between pregnancies, I logged a few years too). It works for me.


ETA: There are podcasts for C25K that are scheduled for time rather than distance. I used Running Into Shape's podcasts for my training. She now has several different podcasts with different styles of music, but I used her originals. It's so nice to have a voice in your ear to tell you when that never-ending 60 seconds of running finally ends in week 1. :-)   http://runningintoshape.com/5k-training-downloads/


I think you are totally awesome. :)


I completely agree about having that voice in your ear. The app I posted above does this also. It's so much better when you don't have to keep watching the clock.


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