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Temporary Housing ?s


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So, it looks we need to find some temporary housing. I am not finding any within 50 miles of us--everything is either too small (one bedroom) or on a 12 month lease.


We could move in with family but everything would have to go into storage. I have checked and there is one storage facility with openings and it is not temperature/humidity controlled. I live in a subtropical climate and I am worried my books, etc couldn't survive that.


Ideas? Stories? Commiseration? Thanks!

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We rented an apartment once and had to pay extra, but got them to agree to a 3 month lease.  Maybe that would be an option for you.


Instead of looking for a storage unit, maybe a house with an extra room will work or a temp controlled garage? 

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How long? Short term rentals are tight here too. We lived in apartments and saw many solutions that you could use... pay month to month, and get an extra room to store your extra stuff. I even saw entire families squish into a one bedroom, storing in the bedroom, and all sleeping in the living quarters. Think of it as a vacation where you take everything, and that its temporary. If you do this, do easy in, easy out, as in a ground floor unit.

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We've also had trouble finding short-term places.  Extended stay hotels can be an option if you can get two rooms with a kitchen and we've squeezed into some small apartments.  But if you want a place for a family and stuff?  You're probably going to need to pay a lot for that.  We've been able to get landlords to go with a shorter lease when we've payed extra (sometimes a lot extra) or we've signed a 12-month lease and then did whatever the contract said we had to do to get out of it when we needed to leave.  If you go that route, the landlord cannot charge you rent if they're able to rent it sooner than your lease is up, and they have to make a good effort to rent it- they can't just let it sit till your lease is up.  We posted an ad ourselves on Craigslist and showed the place to try to move things along and we only ended up a few extra weeks' rent.

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We are hoping for a 3-6 month lease. We are in a university town; all leases are 12 month leases.

I started calling on all of the Craigslist leases; there are only 3 properties available for when we need them, and one of those--the guy says our family of 6 won't fit into them.


Fitting everyone into 1 BR doesn't work; our city has a statute that we have to have so many square feet/person in rentals.  We must have a 3BR based on the age and gender of our children.  That said, if we can find a place to live (not with family), the plan is indeed to shove all of our boxes into the living room.


I'm working all of my professor connections right now; no one seems to know someone going on fall sabbatical abroad. :(

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Some friends found their rental by calling someone who was selling. They found a suitable house that was for sale and contacted the owner (or realtor? can't remember). The seller was willing to rent but it was a year lease. Perhaps if you go for a 6-month lease you might find a willing homeowner?

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