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What happened to your BIG Toddlers?


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Mine had no shutoff valve as I noted before.  Lord only knows how much she would have eaten if I'd kept feeding her.


The nice thing was that she was not a picky eater.  She would eat almost anything.  The problem was that she never, on her own, felt like it was time to stop.  She would eat multiple times as much as an adult if allowed.


ETA:  This continued until she was well into preschool.  I am trying to remember when she finally stopped on her own for the first time - maybe 5yo.  I still sometimes have to cut her off (she is 8).

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Where they just big, or were they bottomless pits?


B is a picky eater, and not a bottomless pit either. I probably just give him "sometimes foods" (as they call them on Sesame Street) too frequently. I *know* I give myself "sometimes foods" too frequently, LOL.


For the record, I was very skinny as a kid, until I was about 6yo. My mom used to make my clothes for me because I was too skinny for the store-bought ones. Then in elementary school I gained weight... never really overweight, but on the heavier side of average. By the time I was 14, my BMI was 25.5 (which is the first concrete number I can give you). I blame the elementary-school weight gain on drinking nothing other than chocolate milk and juice.

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Okay, final question to those of you who had/have wonderfully, adorable "tubby-tots" and "Buddha babies" of your own: How much did/does your big little one eat?

Where they just big, or were they bottomless pits?


Well at 2, mine would eat 3-5 bananas and 2 bowls of instant oatmeal (I note instant because it's not as filling as regular oatmeal) for breakfast nearly every day.  And for other meals he would eat a small adult portion.  At the time I wouldn't have used the term bottomless pit since while he ate large meals, he wasn't usually hungry in between meals.  Our normal schedule was 3 meals a day and 1 snack.  Of course I'm describing this from memory of 15 years ago, compared to my current feelings of feeding a teenage boy who eats 2-3 dinner sized plates of food for every meal and is still hungry again in an hour or two.


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