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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

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--talk w doctor when she calls

--decide what to tell dd

--daily things

--Friday tasks

--math w dd

--schedule physical therapy for the next two weeks

--garden: weed, water, pick lettuce :)

--quick weeding of front yard perennial beds

--buy landscape fabric and staples

--order mulch delivey for next week

--gym for training session at 4:30; may walk to/from depending on weather


The Boy graduates from college tomorrow!

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Big day today.  The kids have their school picnic, then their annual gymnastics show at 4:45, then their school musical at 7pm.  Meanwhile, I hope to stay under the radar for one more weekday as I plug along with my work.


The list:

  • Get kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4pm.  [done]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little exercise  [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • whatever I'm forgetting before my coffee
  • Pack costumes for musical.  [done]
  • Kids to gymnastics.  [done]
  • Eat something in the car.  [done]
  • Kids to school musical.  [done]
  • Dinner out.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Let's see

- lunch at dd1's school- done

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- not enough for a load

- get dd1 off bus- done

- school work- did some

- dinner- done

- more school work

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- took a nap with dd2

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My head is trying to explode and my stomach is wanting to join in on the fun.


For Today:

Done Bring dh to work

Done Emails

Done Laundry

Done Dd to voice lesson

Done Laundry




I see a theme developing here

Pick up dh from work


Lunch - tuna on crackers, bananas

Dinner - 2(ugh)

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Thinking of you this morning, Luckymama. Susan, I hope you feel better! My day started with ds2 oversleeping and missing the first morning swim practice. Since he bikes (and is 15 years old), he did not blame me at all-which shows his growing maturity. Merely annoyed with himself. I had completely forgotten this practice, as the rest of our summer swim schedules start on Monday. I am still trying to work out all the driving, etc for the summer schedule. It gives me a pain (and some practices are still tentative). 


To do:

work out summer schedules

last day of school for ds3 and dd2 

oversee teens and get their timeline for finishing up

make my own timeline for summer projects (house, school, personal)

clean bathrooms


dust downstairs

general pick up

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day!


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The weekend came so fast. Gotta get any household stuff done today because the rest of the weekend will be devoted to sil's wedding!  


- head to parents' for last day of school!

- line up a babysitter for rehearsal dinner tomorrow night

- pay bills

- quick clean entire house

- laundry washed, folded, away

- meal plan for next week

- grocery list

- line up kids' clothes for rehearsal tomorrow morning

- line up my clothes for rehearsal tomorrow

- make sure dh irons tonight so we're not rushed tomorrow

- read for an hour

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Last day at job before I start new job. Saying good-bye to some dear people after having been there for 7 years.

Somehow overexercised (I think this is what is causing it) some muscle on left gluteus maximus and have now a PITA.

Have to remember not to rub left butt cheek while talking to people... :ohmy:

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I'm struggling a bit today.  Five months of antibiotics are taking their toll. .  .   


Anyway. . . 


Human care is done

Ds has been to work and back

Pet care is done

Dd has gone for her run.

Dd has also done her chores of emptying the dishwasher.

I took care of a bunch of stinky compost.   


I need to load the dishwasher and run it.  

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Well, things got a little stressful today when the girls came home from school all wet and muddy and nasty from head to toe.  Apparently they had water balloons etc. at the class picnic.  They get home at 3:45 and we needed to be in the car driving at 4:15 to get to the gymnastics show on time.  I threw them in the shower and washed their hair as fast as I could.  Then I had a shower while they threw their clothes on.  Fun times!  We made it to the show, and left right after they did their routines, so we could be pretty sure of getting to the musical on time.  We grabbed some McD between the two events.


The musical was really good, considering it was all 3rd and 4th graders.  Miss A had a "part," while Miss E was a miscellaneous "townsperson" who mostly sat on the side and sang.  That worked out well, since Miss A loves the stage and Miss E does not.  :P


So after the musical, we went to dinner and then watched Kung Fu like every other Friday night.  Got the kids to bed late, but since they don't have to get up until 8:30 it is OK.  They went to bed smiling, which is always nice.  :)

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