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Nothing New/Mindful spending Week 21


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

This has been an expensive week, though a good bit has been unavoidable, and next week doesn't promise better. I have the very sad expenses of my dog going to the vet and being dx'ed as terminally ill, with a large, inoperable mass in his bowel. He is still here ATM, and does not appear sick, but the vet did not give hope. The tumor will block off his bowel and then there will be nothing to do but choose peaceful death over misery. :(


Dh also had a molar extracted. He could have had a root canal, which would have been extremely expensive, but the tooth was of very poor integrity, so the conclusion was pulling it was more economically sensible in the long run. I'm not sure I can be too happy he had a tooth pulled in part because it was more economical, right?


I also bought a wristlet very impulsively after I left the dentist for my OWN dental work. I have no excuse except release of pressure.


Also had to put two new tires on the car before DD went off to the beach with her friends. There was cord showing on one tire and the other went flat from a nail puncture.


So, really, no victories of frugality this week. It has been an expensive week of emergencies.

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Not much this past week, though I did score dh 4 pairs of jeans (much needed), dd2 2 summer dresses, 2 outfits and hoodie and dd1 a hoodie all for $7.50 at a yard sale yesterday. I also bought some lined sticky notes that have tabs on them to use to list my school assignments for the week those were $3.00 but I think they should last until At least my second semester of nursing school. I think I will by another pack of those this coming week, after dh gets paid, so I have enough until I'm done with my degree (Walmart here is hit or miss regarding keeping certain office supplies in stock).

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We were having a frugal week until Friday night when we splurged on a pizza and it ended up costing us $500. 

Dh was pulling into a parking place and had to back up a little to get oriented correctly. He saw a van entering the parking lot right behind us, noticed that she saw him and stopped to let him back up, and proceeded. A car cutting through the parking lot sideways thought she could make it past us and he ended up hitting her. 

Dh is 57 and has never had an accident. Never. This girl was cutting through the parking lot(she wasn't there to get pizza, just cutting through) , going very fast according to the lady in the van behind us, had three kids in her car but only one carseat, and of course our insurance is going to pay because we were backing up and it was on private property so the police don't even file a report.  He just told each party to submit it to insurance and let them hash it out.  We have a nifty thing here where I can look someone's record up and just that day the girl had gone to court for an accident that she caused by failing to slow down.  Yeah, I'm ticked about that.  Our car damaged her door and it was the THIRD time her car has been hit there. 


Whew. Thanks, guys. I needed to get that off my chest. I feel so bad for dh, who is obviously so careful with his 40+ year safe driving record and all!

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We started dd's clothing replenishment with a stop at Plato's Closet (a resale place) for 2 pr shorts and 2 tops ($25) and then she found a few things at Old Navy. We were going to head to Target but she started to feel unwell (she has an endoscopy scheduled for Thursday), so we'll continue the shopping this week.


I forced dh to buy new polos and workout clothes at Old Navy. I can now discard (textile recycling bin) 15 yo shirts :lol:


I bought a summer pullover hoodie and a cute 3/4 sleeve cardigan. Both will be handy for our Alaska trip :)


We used a Christmas present gift card to get carryout for dinner one night (plus $16).

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Annie, dear, the car incident stinks but I am so glad no one was hurt.


A friend was featured at a book signing sponsored by an environmental group at a brew pub. Needless to say, we bought the book...and several drafts!


My husband scored at a yardsale yesterday, picking up bits and pieces for the kayaks. We don't need the stuff now but eventually hardware on straps goes so it will be nice to have backups.

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Still hanging in here even though I haven't posted in the thread for a.week or two.


So sorry for those having a hard week.


We went to yard sales yesterday and I spent a little money.


My dd needs new shoes so I will shop for those this week.


Also I placed a curriculum order with Oak Meadow for dds Literature materials.

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I don't think I spent anything unusual that wasn't mentioned in the last thread.


Today I paid about $1,500 for my kids' gymnastics classes for the next school year - a little more than I expected, but the class is a half hour longer, so that would be why.  Yesterday I paid $1,400 for the kids' summer horse riding camps.  Also yesterday I agreed to put my kids in yet another camp, which their part-time nanny just formed.  I have a hard time saying no.  ;)  It will be a Spanish-immersion art and cooking class, and she will pick them up from their morning camps and drive them there.  I agreed to 7 afternoons; I think it will be $420 all together.  I am a sucker.  (Oh, and nanny says the camp will include etiquette training.  Ha, good luck with that!  My kids are pretty resistant.  :P)

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