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Mystery of History writing style


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I was given a copy of MOH 1, and we were already set to do ancients next year.  I've been reading through it,and I just. don't. know what I think.  There is so much about it that I love, but something that I can't put my finger on.  I normally lean very CM for history.  But Linda Hobar's reasoning behind the program is convincing.  But....her writing syle...so chatty.  I can't tell if it will bother my kids eventually. 


Can I use it in a CM way?  


I'm just having a hard time getting a feel for it just reading through it.  Thoughts from those who use it...or quit using it?

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We ended up using all 4 years.  She is kind of chatty, but I found that the girls actually retained a lot of what they learned.  We did most of the activities and research that was assigned with it, and I think a lot of the learning comes from that.  


Most people either love it or hate it. :)

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My kids love her writing style.  I'm okay with it.  I do like how she ties everything into the "big picture".  It's been fascinating to see what's happening in other parts of the world during various Biblical events.  I like that we can study other cultures and religions from a Christian perspective. 


My concerns with using MOH while sticking to CM methods are that nothing is really covered in depth.  With CM methods, you would learn about fewer people and events, but more in depth.  You can easily overcome this by adding in a few biographies or living books.  Also, narrations aren't mentioned at all, so you'd have to add them yourself.  I'd gotten away from narrations and focused on the tests and Challenge Cards instead.  While these were okay, I'm wanting to go back to more narrations. 


We are going to switch back to SCM's history program for next year.  I really like both MOH and SCM's history programs and have tried to incorporate them both, but it's been a bit too much...which is probably why MOH 1 has taken us 2 years to complete!  I'm pretty sure we'll be going through SCM's 4-6th history books, then come back to MOH 1 when we repeat the history cycle.



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It has worked well here. To me instead of chatty, it sounds like a conversation with someone who really enjoys history and loves sharing about it. When I read the early levels aloud, there were times I occasionally edited slightly or rephrased something how I would say it, but for the most part it was pretty natural as a read-aloud. I think when my kids were older and read it on their own, they felt like she was talking right to them.

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