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Exercise Thread ~ April 19 - April 25


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It's a hanging garden, perhaps? ;)  It's upside down for me, but still looks impressive.


Ladies, enjoy the theatre and ballet this evening!


I'm exhausted and the "real exercise" hasn't even started yet today. I went for a walk this morning (which was freezing!), then a short, but freezing bike ride to the community theatre where I did a couple hours of set painting. I'm home and awake after a brief nap in front of the TV, and then off to our tennis fun match and social where I'll play doubles tennis for 2 hours. I think I probably should have paced myself a little better.  :coolgleamA:

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Just so all you gardeners can feel lucky to be hauling mulch...we've had SNOW on Thurs and Friday. Gently wafting (never ending) fat flakes of snow and a few real flurries. Today no snow, but it is in the 30s.  I keep reminding the kids there is a reason our no frost date is Memorial day weekend (5/21 or thereabouts)


Today is my day off and a performance day.  But, I got 6 days of exercise in this week. I am having to keep it to 30 mins, but the acupuncturist reminds me that I should be proud that I did what I could do.  So, there is that.


Enjoy your weekends!

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I finished my raised bed filling. I have calluses despite my leather work gloves. Planting commences tomorrow :D


And I am now going to shower and then head to the ballet!


We are working on parallel tracks.  Congrats on the raised bed filling!  And yes, I have calluses too.


I have some sowing and planting to do tomorrow, then back to mulching....

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The beds are looking great luckymama!


I'm slightly jealous of you and Laura, maybe next year I'll be up to do gardening again. 


redsquirrel- 6 days is great, no matter the length.


I'm thinking we'll do a walk here sometime this evening and Mutu, never did Yoga this am, helped the boys get their packing done and then I cleaned my house- which I had been neglecting. Just got home from taking the girls out and now I'm resting a bit before deciding how to spend the rest of the day. If I do yoga today I'll do a short one, I've got a video cued, just waiting to see if I get the time, energy and motivation at the same time.

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