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Good books for 2nd/3rd grade on Revolutionary War?

3lilreds in NC

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Hi everyone! :)


I started trying to teach my girls about the Revolutionary War today. It was an odd experience. Our book started with Taxation Without Representation, but gave no background information at all. I don't remember enough about it anymore to explain very well. I'm using Living Books Curriculum and there is no "spine" to explain these kinds of things. I thought I had something we could use, but lo and behold, we do not.


What's out there that you like? An Amazon search brings up tons of stuff, of course, but no way to know what's good an what's not. Should I get SOTW 3? Something else? I can't believe I didn't figure this out before we started. :glare:

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I'm kinda looking for a spine. I am a bit lost on how to help them understand the specifics about the Revolutionary War without being able to paint the big picture first. Maybe I am not as good at this living books thing as I thought. :lol:


Thanks for the great book ideas. I will look at the WP list; I have a pretty good supplemental list in my TM too. I think I need a spine.

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Funny you should ask! We're in the midst of our Revolutionary War study with Adventures in MFW. ;)


I got teased by the "hints" of war but no explanation. So, I bought A Child's Story of America by Christian Liberty Press and it's working perfectly. There's a good 4 chapters on the war.


Oh, Oh!! AND (since you have girls, even though my boys love it too) we're reading Lizzie and the Redcoat, a sisters in time book. It goes into a lot of political stuff too. There's another one called Lydia the Patriot, don't have it, but dd wants to read it.


Hope that helped! :)

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I second Liberty or Death! by Maestro. She and her husband ( I guess it's her husband!) have a whole series of books out dealing w/ the Amer. Rev. Just search her last name in your library system...they should carry all of them. Great pictures and info. My 10yo loved them. We also like the MTH book Rev. War on Wednesday and it's non-fic. companion. I would also recommend the Liberty's Kids DVDs if you can find them. I think somebody told me the History Channel is showing the Liberty's Kids series at 7am M-F in most areas. HTH

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Don't forget that much of what we are doing during the early/Grammar stage is building a foundation. I got caught up in the little stuff when I was doing Sonlight 3 with my third grader. While you CAN hone in on specific topics (taxation without representation), you honestly do not need to have tons of tiny objectives to meet your main goal (a broad overview of an era). It's good to enjoy the stories at this age, and not focus on the intricacies - you'll have tons of time and interest for that during the logic stage:)


Also, what you think is interesting, may be boring or too above your child. For each goal that you have let your child find the sub-points. What helped us too, was to make a bubble map. For this, put your goal in a bubble in the center of a piece of paper (Revolutionary War). Lay out a variety of books about the topic (Paul Revere, King George, Red Coats, weapons, Boston Tea party, documents, etc.). Let your child look over the titles and materials and try to form some bubbles from this initial info.

As you read, they can make more bubbles - which will be your cue to help them find resources and field trip opportunities.

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oh, oh, oh! Liberty Kids has a website too, and you may want to watch the PBS series on the Revolutionary War so you can add to your discussions. It helped me to TRY to stay a step ahead...


There is also a series of books (beyond American Girl) about young American girls (Hope's Revolutionary Diary comes to mind - but there are more in the series).


Enjoy learning together!

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3Lil Reds,

I had this problem too- with the same curriculum.

I borrowed the Landmark picture book: Liberty! How the Revolutionary War began from the library and then ended up purchasing it from Rainbow Resource. It gave a great overview of the events of the time period.

We read one two page spread at a time.


Then later, when we hit those topics in Voices of American History the mental peg had already been "hung" for my kids...


Hope this helps,

My history is/was sketchy- so I really struggled with this as I am learning right along with my kids...


I think the point of that resource is to "whet" the appetite and give the children "flavor" not do in depth teaching...

I hope this helps,


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Check out the Homeschool in the Woods Revolutionary War CD. There are lapbook activities that cover the topic of taxation without representation and she provides lesson pages that discuss these in detail. I also use A Child's Story of America from Christian Liberty Press as a spine.




I tried this link and they must be having some tech difficulties so here is another link to another company that sells the CD. If you can get to the HITW site, though, they have lovely pictures of all the lapbook projects - very motivational.:)



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