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Just when you think it's all figured out

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The school's situation regarding the scholarship app - not accepting it from you even when your son is in the hospital is absolutely appalling and I'd wonder if it is legal...


The tennis thing... that is priceless.  What an awesome coach (and team?) IMO.


Hope your guy is doing well today.


Not so much.  Part of me was hoping, now that the Honor's Assembly is over and all he has left is the one paper, that he would waken 100% better and trot off to school.  That didn't happen.  Between the late night yesterday, the excitement of the assembly and whatnot, I think he did too much and was simply worn out.  Our family begins to arrive tomorrow for the graduation and I am feeling somewhat apprehensive as to how he will fare.


At this moment, I am grateful that the graduation ceremony is in the late afternoon; that seems to be his best time of day.


3 days of school left (including the two AP tests).

5 days until graduation.

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3 days of school left (including the two AP tests).

5 days until graduation.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


We're all counting down with you...  Be sure to start a S/O "Graduation Party" thread when he's finally done so we can celebrate a well-earned diploma.

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Praying here too.  I don't know if it's already diagnosed or not, but if not, you may want him to try going without gluten and see if that helps.  Hope his last school day is a good one.   :grouphug:


Thanks so much.  He has been gluten free for the past 2 years.  :(


Last day of tests!! He had to be at the school by 7:30am.  I woke up at 5am and gave him the anti-nausea medicine and then he got up a bit after 7am, ate some cream of rice cereal, and went to school. 


Since we will not be submitting the scores, he says he feels less pressure on performance.  I am happy that it's all over.  Graduation is on Sunday and then it's on to figuring out summer plans and more Dr's appts.


He is waiting to hear about how he did on the paper/binder.  I am curious, too.  Final grades are supposed to be submitted by today so he should be receiving an email sometime this afternoon.

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