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Who wants to play ER or no ER?

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Background: I have had two reactions to food in the past. One was to an anchovy. One was to tree nuts. I did nothing for the first reaction. For the second, I went to see an allergist a couple of weeks later, and he gave me an epi-pen.


Those reactions were immediate, bizarre, itchy/numb feelings in my mouth, and into my throat - although my throat did not swell, and I did not have trouble breathin.


Tonight, i cooked and served swordfish. By about the third bite I knew something wasn't right. It was not as immediate and powerful a reaction as the other times. My mouth felt *funny*, my nose itched terribly, and the area between my mouth and nose on the left side felt numb. I freaked out, and had a panic attack (good thinking!).


DH gave me benadryl, which in itself makes me freak out a little and makes me loopy. I only took one. Then I really freaked out and told him to take me to the ER.


We didn't go into the ER. The numb/weird feeling spread until it was over the whole left side of my face, including my eye. That area *feels* swollen, but it is not. The area of weirdness does not seem to be spreading any further.


I am an idiot about the ER. I don't want to go in unless I really need to. But I always think I'm okay. DH thought I'd be okay going home as long as the weirdness doesn't spread any further. I can breathe fine. I can't go by how my throat feels, because my throat almost always feels weird from my GERD.


So ... was I unbelievably stupid? At what point do y'all go in for an allergic reaction? I don't have any hives ... at this point, a good hour later, the benadryl seems to have helped. The funky feeling is still there, but the itching has stopped.


Stupid, and go back now? Stupid, but stay home as it doesn't seem to be getting worse? Or, you wouldn't have gone in for just that?


ETA: In no way will I take any responses as medical advice, or make any decisions based on what the hive says. I am smarter than that. Honest.

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As long as you're being honest about not taking board advice as true medical advice... :001_smile:


My sister did go to the ER a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't even have any idea what she could have had an allergic reaction to, but it was a doozy. Combined with the panic attack that came on, she found herself feeling completely unable to move her arms and legs, and had to be carried into the ER.


They barely glanced at her, gave her Benedryl, and handed her the release forms.


She really thought she might be dying. They weren't impressed. :001_huh:

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If you don't have any hives, your breathing is fine and your heart rate is ok then it sounds like the worst of the allergic reaction is over and they really can't do anything else for you. I am allergic to fish products and iodine. I have only had to go to the hospital once and that was because I was having trouble breathing. Even then they gave me Benedryl as soon as they dealt with the immediate problem. Do not eat any more fish products or nuts of any kind. Allergies can get worse over time and the reactions can get more severe. Reactions of the mouth and breathing passages are especially worrisome. You might want to talk to your Dr. about getting some Xanax to deal with panic issues related to this because that can further compromise your breathing. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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You're a mom of a passel of young boys. You're probably fine. But if you're not? I'm thinkin' that passel of boys kind of relies on having a mom around and would probably miss you if anything happened...


I can't honestly say what *I* would do. *I* would probably stay home, drink some water (with lots of fresh lemon juice, if I had it), take another Benedryl, and post here. ... But *reading* your post, I think *you* should go to the ER. ;)


So what if you're fine? You feel a little foolish and have a co-pay to cover? What if you're *not*? I'm thinking it's probably less desirable than feeling a little foolish...


BTW, the fact that you are feeling okay-ish *now* does *not* mean you are out of the woods yet. Secondary reactions can be *worse* than the initial reaction. So make sure your dh keeps a good eye on you this evening, when you decide to stay home. ;)

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That was my fear - that I'd go in and they'd give me Benadryl.


I do avoid all nuts, but frequently eat fish and have never had a reaction of any kind between that first one, years ago, and this one. OTOH, this is probably the first time I've eaten swordfish in many years. But yes, I will take it seriously.


I have plenty of Benadryl. And I've taken two, and for some reason am still conscious and not even particularly woozy, which is just weird. Usually the stuff knocks me right out. I have Zantac, too. And i have my DH to keep an eye on me.


When would you guys go in? If the feeling kept spreading? Certainly, of course, with breathing troubles, but if no breathing troubles?

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She really thought she might be dying. They weren't impressed. :001_huh:


That's funny! Something similar happened to me. DS#2 had a bad bug bite that was really bad, called ask a nurse she said it might be infected and to take him into the ER right away. I freaked out. $100 later doc says bug bite is fine, DS just reacts to them badly (he has an allergy so they get more severe). I actually had to ASK for them to give us some benadryl so I didn't have to take my little guy into HyVee in the middle of the night.



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That was my fear - that I'd go in and they'd give me Benadryl.


I do avoid all nuts, but frequently eat fish and have never had a reaction of any kind between that first one, years ago, and this one. OTOH, this is probably the first time I've eaten swordfish in many years. But yes, I will take it seriously.


I have plenty of Benadryl. And I've taken two, and for some reason am still conscious and not even particularly woozy, which is just weird. Usually the stuff knocks me right out. I have Zantac, too. And i have my DH to keep an eye on me.


When would you guys go in? If the feeling kept spreading? Certainly, of course, with breathing troubles, but if no breathing troubles?


What I've been told.


What you experienced was the beginnings of an anaphylactic shock. It is similar to one allergic to bees being stung. Sometimes you may just feel tingling and sometimes, you may have a problem breathing. Its a gamble. I have experienced that tingle that lasted for 4 days. I use to gamble it b/c sometimes i could actually eat sushi or avocados and get away with it. TWICE I ended up in the ER unable to breathe and that pretty much cured my cravings for the food I couldn't eat. According to my doctor it can get worst with age which explains why I use to be able to get away with it.


For more info:



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I am feeling okay. Very woozy from the medicine. Despite the Benadryl I really didn't get any sleep.


I did not know that the numbness is actually swelling. I thought that since my face doesn't look swollen, then it wasn't. What you described with your OAS sounds very much like what I was experiencing.


I know how you feel about your staples being pulled out from under you. Just when I had decided to go vegetarian, I popped up with the nut allergy, and then an intolerance to casein and wheat. Joy. At the time, my immune system was pretty stressed, and I can relate to what you said about the immune system seeming to be aggravated.


DH went to work this morning. I can't drive myself to a doc like this, so the current plan is just to sit here and take Benadryl every 6 hours.

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HOpe you are feeling better.


I'm a person that Benedryl (even hospital dosage) does NOTHING for, nothing, and not worth the other stuff that goes along with taking. Heck, even the topical stuff won't work on my bug bites.


I react occasionally to chocolate - my Aunt the nurse told me one day it would be UGLY when i ate it, and just keep that in mind. Well, as a HS mom - if i have to go, chocolate is the way to go! LOL!!


Anyway, I'm going to file away what was posted. I normally react out the bathroom end of things to food, and i've seen my face swell....


Back to you, i agree - no more swordfish and how about making an appt to get an epi pen? (or do you have one?).



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