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Supplement for CLE math


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Hi ladies,

I have been using CLE math this year with my 2nd and 4th graders. I think I'm going to stick it out with my oldest. But I feel like maybe i should supplement a bit with something more conceptual and maybe add in more word problems. Anyone have a suggestion for something I could use that wouldn't double our load or cause us to get really behind? Maybe something I could use once a week?


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We supplemented CLE with MM gradually in the beginning, once a week.  It worked fine as supplemental.  You can either try to synch up with the areas you are currently working on or work about one semester behind to elaborate on concepts learned.  We did the later then increased usage over time and eventually switched to MM.  But you could easily continue with CLE and supplement with MM.

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I think CLE is relatively weak in word problems. I am using Singapore Process Skills and Problem Solving books. They are levels, not grades. You might need to start at a low level to learn the basics of problem solving the Singapore way. That's ok. The books are relatively short.

I use c rods (education unboxed, google finds) to teach the conceptual side of CLE where needed.



I think I'd shore up word problems before I did supplementary stuff, and I don't know of anything better than the Process Skills books for that.

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I think the Process Skills in Problem Solving series is a good one for supplementing CLE. They cover some of the other conceptual approaches you see in SIngapore such as the Bar Models. They provide more instruction than the Challenging Word Problem books in the conceptual areas while still being supplemental books. If you want something more visual and independent, you might also consider Math Buddies, an online teaching supplement from the publishers of Singapore Math.

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These are great ideas.  I'm going to check out all of them.

Of particular interest is the Math Buddies.  I think my daughter would really like something visual and something other than ME for the supplement.  Is this program just practice or is it intended to be an entire curriculum, meaning I will never be able to keep up with it and keep CLE going at a good pace as well?


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We use CLE too, and love it, but I also feel it's lacking in teaching thinking skills. We tried BA, but that was a total flop here. The style just doesn't work for dd9 (also, I think it's expensive). This year we're using Borac's Practice Word Problems: Level 2.


Fair warning: If you're not math-minded yourself (English major here), these are tough! I usually have to read the solutions and figure out how to help dd through the steps on my own. There's no real teaching manual. But I think it has been good for teaching her to reason through a tough problem.

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Are you speaking of Challening Word Problems?



Yes.  I teach in the style I grew into via Singapore and Miquon.  I just use CWP as a base for the lessons.  I have an old OOP set of CWP and we use math journals to keep the work together. CLE Math is my review wheel to keep things fresh and cover detailed things like how many inches are in a yard, etc...  

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