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Strength training: care to post your workout?


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If you do strength-training of any type, I'd be interested in seeing your workout.


I'm a newbie in my late 50s. Here's mine:


Plank, modified push-ups (my goal is to be able to do "real" push-ups), squats, vertical pulls, lunges. I'd been doing the bridge, but it's too easy and I need something more challenging. Right now, I'm not using weights.

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I do body pump and CX classes. (Weight lifting and core). When I don't hit a class, I do a lot of body weight exercises - planks, push-ups, lunges, plyos, dips. I also like to use sliders or paper plates in a pinch to make those moves more effective. If you search on you tube you can find tons of exercises with sliders or gliders (can't remember which they are called)


Bridge - have you tried bringing feet and knees together and then lifting one leg? Keep knees squeezed together when you lift. So good for glutes. Ow! Lol

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My official strength training is 

3x a week- circuits(3-5) of (usually 5 -8 exercises) with usually 5-8 reps (I try to keep it hard enough that I can only do that many- except now with push-ups I'm doing 5 regular and then "girl" push-ups


I always do these:

some type of squat (goblet, 3rd world, bulgarian split, working on the one-legged)


some type of pull work- negatives, with bands, or full body rows with trx bands

kettlebell swings (will add get-ups when I'm strong enough to do so with my kb)


I add these in as I feel like it:

step-ups (18 in step)


dips- feet resting on stool parallel to butt right now

kettlebell rows


My kettlebell is 26.4 lbs, I sometimes use it with squats, lunges and step-ups or I might have a kid on my back.


I also do a lot of strength work through yoga and playing around at the playground on the bars.

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I use one of those big inflatable balls and with that I do push-ups (keeping my feet or knees or hips on the ball--varying it depending on how strong I feel), squats (holding the ball in front of me) and sometimes crunches on the ball.


I do kettlebell swings and a few tricep exercises (I am not sure what they are called) w/ my kettlebells. 


With a chair I do tricep dips.


And I use dumbbells for overhead press, bicep curls, walking lunges.  


That's pretty much it, although I mix and match a lot and sometimes add in other things. These are my favorites!

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My general routine is to work each muscle group once a week. I generally do four sets of four different exercises for each muscle group. I do 7-10 reps in each set, depending how heavy the weight I'm using. So, for example:


M--chest and back, 4 sets of each of these:

Push ups, bench press, incline flies, dumbbell pullover (chest)

Pull up w/assist machine, seated rows, one armed rows, lat pulldowns (back)



lunges, one or two types of squat, deadlifts, a couple leg machines, box jumps, and some hip exercises. I actually do hip exercises three times a week, as strong hips are supposed to help prevent knee injuries in runners. It's worked so far. :) I used to work my calves before I was a runner, but I feel like they get enough now.


W--shoulders, 4 sets each

Milk jugs, push press, upright row, Arnold press


Sometimes I do shoulders and legs on the same day.


F--triceps/biceps, 4 sets each

Tricep dips, tricep kickbacks, rope pulldown with machine, overhead tricep press

Bicep curls w/dumbbell, 21's, concentration curl, hammer curls


Between each set I take a short rest. Or sometimes I will take no rest at all and just switch back and forth between different muscle groups, such as one set bicep exercise, then one set tricep exercise.


I also teach a crossfit class for teens, so I work my abs in there twice a week. I NEVER do sit ups. Planks are my favorite core exercise.


I don't do the same exercises each time, but just wrote out some examples of what I might do on a given day. Bodybuilding.com has a bunch of exercises and how to do them.


I began weight training after I had a bone scan in my 30's that showed my bones were those of an old lady. Turns out celiac was probably the cause of it. I have since quit eating gluten, but I continue to do the weights, because we lose bone mass and muscle mass as we age, so I think it's a good thing to do. I'm 47 and plan to do this as long as I can.


Best of luck!

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