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I want this.


We did SL for years.  Unsolicited advice - buy the IG used cheaply and fill in with used books. (Or skip the IG at this level because it is essentially a schedule.) I did this for a couple of years before I started tweaking SL so hard it was unrecognizable.  I paid about a third of the cost and lost none of the benefits.  (But I did really enjoy and still miss "Box Day".  The kids would help me check to see that all of the books were there.  <sniff> They are big now, most of them - the kids, not the books.  The books are the same size.)

You guys are boring.

I even bore myself.  


Drop the H and I will clean your house.

I will drop all the letters and speak in piglatin for someone to clean my house.

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I have full confidence in your ability to conquer the world.


And Tex has your back if you need a plan B, right, Tex?

Send me your stuff and I will edit the  hell heck out of it.  I promise. I owe you for the chocolate.   :D


(I quoted duckie, but that was actually to Renai.)

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We did SL for years. Unsolicited advice - buy the IG used cheaply and fill in with used books. (Or skip the IG at this level because it is essentially a schedule.)

That was my intention. I did purchase 3/4 because I got it for like $178. I won't be doing that again. I plan to use My Father's World starting in Adventures, so I'm looking for fun fillers until then. I would not buy the IG for this level. I also want KONOS I.

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That was my intention. I did purchase 3/4 because I got it for like $178. I won't be doing that again. I plan to use My Father's World starting in Adventures, so I'm looking for fun fillers until then. I would not buy the IG for this level. I also want KONOS I.


I keep looking at Konos. I mean, I've looked at Konos since Dancer was 5. I really looked when units could be bought separately. But, I've never purchased it.

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I snagged a few fabulous used collections of children's classics from ebay (about 40-ish Landmarks, and I think the entirety of the OOP Children's Classics Library.)  Oh, and My Book House, plus a bunch of random assorted favorites from my childhood and my years as an ed major.  So for read-alouds, we have lots at home to choose from.


And a great library to fill in the gaps.  


As for curriculum, I'm a control freak so I pick what I like and have settled into a routine/schedule that works for me.  I think boxed schedules would drive me bonkers, though I do like to check them out for ideas on historical fiction.  

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I keep looking at Konos. I mean, I've looked at Konos since Dancer was 5. I really looked when units could be bought separately. But, I've never purchased it.

I think we're doing it for kindergarten. Unit one was literally written for a 5 year old boy (not that you shouldn't use it, just that I HAVE a 5 year old boy). Knights, cowboys, jungles. I mean come on!

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I snagged a few fabulous used collections of children's classics from ebay (about 40-ish Landmarks, and I think the entirety of the OOP Children's Classics Library.) Oh, and My Book House, plus a bunch of random assorted favorites from my childhood and my years as an ed major. So for read-alouds, we have lots at home to choose from.


And a great library to fill in the gaps.


As for curriculum, I'm a control freak so I pick what I like and have settled into a routine/schedule that works for me. I think boxed schedules would drive me bonkers, though I do like to check them out for ideas on historical fiction.

Well, I was going to recommend my favorites from my package, but I guess I won't. Since you're too good for such things.

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I snagged a few fabulous used collections of children's classics from ebay (about 40-ish Landmarks, and I think the entirety of the OOP Children's Classics Library.)  Oh, and My Book House, plus a bunch of random assorted favorites from my childhood and my years as an ed major.  So for read-alouds, we have lots at home to choose from.


And a great library to fill in the gaps.  


As for curriculum, I'm a control freak so I pick what I like and have settled into a routine/schedule that works for me.  I think boxed schedules would drive me bonkers, though I do like to check them out for ideas on historical fiction.  

We have My Book House.  You can send me everything else you have, though, because want.


I tweak almost everything, even single subject curricula.  I can't help myself.  I love planning and writing schedules. 


I never once looked at KONOS.

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No, not too good. Just too control-freakish.


I'd love your recs. So far all of my Slache-Certified Recommendations have been home-runs.

Well you would have had a lot more if not for your frigging booyahs. :glare: Especially for that slow cooker of yours.


What do people do all day?

Horton hatches the egg

Noah's ark by spier (or anything by him)

Harper Collins treasury of picture book classics

The 20th century children's book treasury

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We have My Book House.  You can send me everything else you have, though, because want.


I tweak almost everything, even single subject curricula.  I can't help myself.  I love planning and writing schedules. 


I never once looked at KONOS.


As soon as we're done with it, it's yours.   Over my dead body.  


But yes, that's me, too!  I love Spalding, for example, but Ellie -- I mean, Romalda --- would be horrified if she saw how I've adapted it.  


And I think I've finally hit my stride this year (three years into this great experiment called homeschooling).  I love my routine, I love how the house is organized, I love my filing and recording and planning system.  It's totally quirky but it works like a well-oiled machine with minimal oversight on my part.  We are two weeks into the year and I'm not burnt out yet.  That's a record.   ;)


If the basement weren't a shambles and stinking like a dead mouse, I'd be in heaven.  

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Well you would have had a lot more if not for your frigging booyahs. :glare: Especially for that slow cooker of yours.


What do people do all day?

Horton hatches the egg

Noah's ark by spier (or anything by him)

Harper Collins treasury of picture book classics

The 20th century children's book treasury


Gymnast lived in those treasuries for a long time. I actually still had the one I had bought when Dancer was little. Gymnast also liked the other books. Right now, her favorite story is Lentil in the McCloskey treasury.

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Well you would have had a lot more if not for your frigging booyahs. :glare: Especially for that slow cooker of yours.


What do people do all day?

Horton hatches the egg

Noah's ark by spier (or anything by him)

Harper Collins treasury of picture book classics

The 20th century children's book treasury




Do you know I was fit to be tied a few hours ago????  Someone who shall remain nameless asked to borrow Oh Were They Ever Happy.  Hardbound copy.  Well cared for.  Mine since childhood.


They returned it with the binding ripped in two.  



They are only 6.5 years old and were guilty only of forgetting to keep it out of the hands of the 1.5 year-old, so I will forgive them.  But good golly day!  That book is OOP and impossible to find now at any reasonable price.  

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Gymnast lived in those treasuries for a long time. I actually still had the one I had bought when Dancer was little. Gymnast also liked the other books. Right now, her favorite story is Lentil in the McCloskey treasury.

We love them so much. I've probably read both all of the way through 5 times so far. One day Mary was really sick and I read the 20th in one sitting. She was quite content.

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As soon as we're done with it, it's yours.   Over my dead body.  


But yes, that's me, too!  I love Spalding, for example, but Ellie -- I mean, Romalda --- would be horrified if she saw how I've adapted it.  


And I think I've finally hit my stride this year (three years into this great experiment called homeschooling).  I love my routine, I love how the house is organized, I love my filing and recording and planning system.  It's totally quirky but it works like a well-oiled machine with minimal oversight on my part.  We are two weeks into the year and I'm not burnt out yet.  That's a record.   ;)


If the basement weren't a shambles and stinking like a dead mouse, I'd be in heaven.  

This is so impressive!  (not the dead mouse part)




Do you know I was fit to be tied a few hours ago????  Someone who shall remain nameless asked to borrow Oh Were They Ever Happy.  Hardbound copy.  Well cared for.  Mine since childhood.


They returned it with the binding ripped in two.  



They are only 6.5 years old and were guilty only of forgetting to keep it out of the hands of the 1.5 year-old, so I will forgive them.  But good golly day!  That book is OOP and impossible to find now at any reasonable price.  

This is absolutely horrifying.  I gasped out loud,  They should replace it.

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This is so impressive!  (not the dead mouse part)


I paid my sister to take the children for 36 hours in August while I revamped everything.  Best use of money ever.  


(And lest you think she's an awful sister for not taking them for free.... I didn't even let her consider it.  She's an amazing single mom of three who needs income and I was desperate for a sitter who could take the kids out.of.the.house.  It was a win-win.)  

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You guys are talking my language.  I absolutely love children's books.  I'm sad that my kids are teens now and that I can't read them The Big Red Barn and the Pokey Little Puppy and Tiki Tiki Tembo (which I have memorized and still quote verbatim to the kids while they roll their eyes at me). . .   


OOoooh, Yes!  




I just bought Harvey's Hideout used.  It had belonged to one of my sisters, so I didn't have my own copy. 



ETA:  See, Tex??  The downside of sisters.  Sharing.   Uggh.  

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