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Smartest thing I ever did was hire my admin.  She's working 10 hours a week, mostly from home but doing so much work that's now off my plate.   Just the answering phone calls and sending payment reminders is making such a huge difference for my level of stress.   It's great.

ETA: A Sunday morning booya

Edited by Wheres Toto
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I just realized I didn't type up the minutes from my last 4H meeting.  It's the last time I have to do them since I'm now the president and we finally elected a new secretary.   It should only take me about 5 minutes, but I need to do it.

After I run into work to melt styrofoam (for 4H), I'll come home and do that and finish up the laundry.  

I actually cleaned house Friday.   The bathroom and vacuumed most of the house before my vacuum died.  We ordered a new cordless one but it won't be here until late in the week.

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Good afternoon!

We went to Sunday school and late service this morning due to People being extra tired and I also needed to meet up with a "late service" friend for a second.

The girls are going to a musical this afternoon and I am playing with the chamber orchestra at a college prospective student event.  Parking should be an exciting factor due to Music Festival happenings.


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8 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

How did you all fare through the storm?  Boone looks a right mess.

I'm in the Triangle area, so we were fine.

The mountains are 25 counties' worth of absolute disaster. Roads destroyed, power and internet out, cell service down, water systems not doing their thing successfully, homes and businesses totaled in some cases... I-40 at the TN border is going to be closed for months, it sounds like.

Yesterday and today, the National Guard and search and rescue folks have been working, shelters are open, drinking water and MREs coming in by helicopter... FEMA and state and local folks are doing all the things. Red Cross, World Central Kitchen, and other non-profits are doing their stuff as well. The rough terrain and dispersed population just make it really hard to do enough fast enough.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

(((flooded folks)))

I have no where to go or people to see today.  I will probably drop off some food stuffs at the church - some folks are bringing things to NC.  Dd18 has a phone job interview today maybe?  The manager said to call today but she is not sure if that is to schedule an interview or the interview itself.

I got an email to let me know that my car insurance rate is going down!!  By over $100/month!  I nearly fainted.  And now that the old little car officially belongs to dd21, both of them can be taken off my policy.  I need to call about that.

Otherwise, just a couple emails that need to be sent.  I am waiting for yarn to get here.  Not for a temperature blanket - this is for a scarf and hat for ds19.  About the time my kids start their first year of college I crochet them a scarf and hat with a stripe of "their" color in them.  Ds19 is green and I am hoping the green I got goes well with the dark gray that is coming.  For the temperature blanket I will definitely need to pick out colors in person.


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Good morning!

I would like to skip Bible study today because it feels like there is too much going on, but dd18 says she will drive her sister to her dentist appointment and that I should go.  Dd18 has 2 job interviews today and one more tomorrow.  I am hoping to get the lawn mowed this afternoon.

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Bible study was good.  Our pastor taught the lesson today which was a somewhat difficult text (Joshua 6, battle of Jericho) so I am very glad I went.  I mowed half the lawn.  Dd18 needed some help putting together an outfit for her interviews, but we came up with a couple decent options.  She's in her second interview now and will go straight from there to Ultimate Frisby.  Dinner tonight is fish tacos.  I was able to find mahi mahi on sale last week 🙂  I wonder if I should try grilling it.

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I’m here. Life has been …..too busy. Work is overwhelming me. I really should be on my computer tonight, but I’m going to read.

I made Slow Cooker Lasagna soup for dinner. It was all right. probably not a do-over.

It’s hot. It’s October 1 and we almost made it to 100 degrees. This isn’t right.

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Morning, Happy Humph Day.  

This week isn't too bad.  I have almost everything planned out for most of this session (next 4 weeks) and then I have a week off to do the next 8 weeks.  Between better planning (since most classes are repeats I've done a bunch of times and I finally don't feel the need to tweak constantly), TWO cleaning people so I don't have to do much, an admin handling phone calls, emails and paperwork, this should be a pretty relaxed-ish year for me now that things are getting into a groove.   I hope.

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A couple weeks ago we ordered take out for dinner and were sick of pizza so ended up getting Moe's.  Not sure if they are national but they are similar to Chipotle or Qdoba.   I usually order a burrito bowl with chicken, black beans, brown rice, pico di gallo, cheese, lettuce, tomato.  I never eat the whole thing in one sitting.  Usually I have it with the chips the first day and then heat up leftovers and eat without chips the second day.   

So in this case, I brought my leftovers into work and had it over two days.  The calories in the entire version of the bowl I get was about 600, so divided in three about 200 each serving.   And it was a super easy, tasty, filling lunch that was quick enough for me to have between classes at work.   So I mentioned it to dh that I was considering getting one every few weeks, picking it up on a Sunday and then having it for lunch three days that week (I don't mind eating the same thing over and over again, I hate thinking about it and hate cooking).  

Well, last night dh made amazing home-made burrito bowls for dinner.   Very tasty and I have my leftovers for lunch for two days.   I don't know if he'll do it often because it was a lot of work and Moe's isn't that expensive and doesn't add a lot of crap to their stuff, but I appreciate it anyway.  

And it turns out I like cilantro.  I was having trouble figuring out what that flavor was in things that I really liked but never seemed to get at home.  It's cilantro.   So now dh knows I like cilantro and will use it more, where appropriate.

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Good morning!

Not much happening today.  General schoolwork.  Dd has another job interview and then youth group and church choir tonight.  I am planning to make shepherd's pie tonight - making extra filling to freeze.  And it's actual shepherd's pie - using lamb kebob meat that I found on sale.  I'm hoping I can cook it in the instant pot.


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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


I’m sorry I haven’t been here much this week. Things have been so busy I haven’t even been able to catch my breath. Work is overwhelming. The actual work is a lot, but there are some things going on with some of my families that are hard and it’s weighing me down emotionally.

And it’s been hot. It’s never this hot for this long in October. 

And it’s Baby’s birthday on Sunday and she has a lot of expectations and I am having trouble just figuring this whole thing out. I have never been a good “Birthday Mom”.

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They've officially started the excavation for our addition.   Since we ended up going with our next door neighbors as contractors, they just removed a section of fence (that was actually already half bent over due to a tree that came down years and years ago) and will drive their equipment through the opening instead of going around to the street.   

They started by removing the back porch, which is evidently really really good strong old concrete.  It's giving them some trouble.

And our house evidently had a name - River Breeze - build in 1946.


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