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How much do you use DVD's in your homeschool?

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Right now Mr7 is watching David Attenborough's Private Life of Plants. And while I know that TV is the root of all evil and I am ruining his ability to concentrate, I can't help but feel that educational DVDs do have a place.


I don't currently have an organised science curriculum for him so each week I get out a documentary, a heap of related library books and if I am really on to it I organise one or two supporting activities. This is working really well for him. His imagination is captured by the DVD and then he explores further into the books when before he may not have picked them up.


So I can't help being confused as to whether I should be congratulating myself for intelligently using the available resources or whether I should be pulling out the hair shirt and flagellating myself for using the TV to teach my poor child. :confused:

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Sounds like you are doing a great job encouraging your ds's interest in science! My dc have watched loads of Magic School Bus and other science DVDs as well as history/geography videos. I often try to get videos to fit in with what we are studying, if the library has something suitable.


TV has its place, and one of those places is educational use. :)

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Right now Mr7 is watching David Attenborough's Private Life of Plants. And while I know that TV is the root of all evil and I am ruining his ability to concentrate, I can't help but feel that educational DVDs do have a place.


TV may be the root of all evil but David Attenborough is an absolute angel so I think between the two you've got balance.


I love TV and love the resources that are availible for it. We're watching Attenborough's Trials of Life series right now...In between Stargate episodes and Muppet movies. :D

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No tv is not the root of all evil. Just like some books won't grace our house, neithr will some shows. BUt I don't see why we should throw out everything. I am using a lot of videos plus map work for my older daughter's geography. She will also have DVD Spanish, DVD Chemistry, and internet history. My younger has DVD Spanish and internet computer class. My youngest likes to watch science and technology shows on tv. My older daughter likes to watch Shakespeare and classic movies on tv. But things are educational.

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We have Prima Latina's DVDs because I wanted someone else to teach us how to speak Latin, dd8 is glad to have Mrs. Lowe as her co-teacher. (So am I!)


We use DVDs for enrichment and supplemental reasons...by the way- now I HAVE to look into the Private Life of Plants! We have Life in the Undergrowth that we're watching now as we finish up our studies on invertebrates. We watch after we read and experiment, after our studies.


My kids are young still so we don't have many reasons to use DVDs for curricula purposes, I'm sure higher math will become a reason. :)


As for judging your situation, who in the world am I to say anything about what is working for you? I would think the most important consideration is if it engages him and that he's learning- if so, why feel guilty? You are using the resources available to you in a productive manner, and from what you said, he's enjoying it? Don't question it, relax.

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