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how am I supposed to deal with all the screaming?

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the crying, the shouting "MINE!", etc and the older girls yelling at the little ones because they are tired of all the whining/screaming/crying/"MINE!" and all of this on 3 hours sleep????? Not 3 consecutive hours, mind you, but one hour, and then baby woke up, and then another hour and baby woke up, etc.


What have I gotten myself into?? :confused:

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Hugs to you. :grouphug: I so understand. There are days I just don't think I will survive. It is usually a combination of when the littles are especially whiney and the biggers aren't tolerating anything and I am not sleeping either-- 32.5 weeks and feeling so uncomfortable. Just take it and hour at a time, a day at a time. That is all you can do dear. Have some chocolate too. ;)

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Oh, I've so been there... I ususally have to split them up, send them to their rooms to read/play quietly -- but there are days, no matter what I do, it stinks.


I also will admit to plopping the littles down in front of Little Einsteins or other annoying -- but not horrible -- shows (only annoying because I have to listen to them and I'm TIRED).


I've also done things like -- let's have a crazy day party. Only TWO rules. Any whiners go to their room. Everyone picks a movie. Everyone picks a favorite treat (popcorn, fruit smoothies, marshmellow treats), and then we all sit (okay, I lie down on the couch) and watch funny movies. The children have a blast, and I get some rest.


But again, there are days... :grouphug:

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Here's how I always deal with it:


For them: Chains and a closet.


For me: Chocolate and Irish Cream.






P.S. My husband's horrified when I make those kinds of jokes. He's worried someone will take me seriously one day. Ha! As if anyone would believe I'd use chains when rope is so much easier.



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I know what you're going through since I'm going through it here too! The oldest goes to school so no putting her in charge. Two more hsers and 4 little ones causing chaos. The two hsers also seem to take hsing less seriously now that their sister is in PS, so my 7yo has replaced her as the household complainer and dawdler.


My newborn is colicky and I have to hs between his screaming fits when all I want to do is de-stress. Also, my 17mo is finding he has opinions and he and the twins get into it full force. There are times where all three are screaming and fighting each other. What fun.

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Here's how I always deal with it:


For them: Chains and a closet.


For me: Chocolate and Irish Cream.






P.S. My husband's horrified when I make those kinds of jokes. He's worried someone will take me seriously one day. Ha! As if anyone would believe I'd use chains when rope is so much easier.




I SOOO wish I had rep left to give!!! This is SOOOO funny!!! Thank you for a well-needed laugh!!!

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When I saw the title, I thought it might be you, screaming, "No more homeschooling!".


Hmm, something like that, I would deal with by saying "Older kids, this is when you get to take care of younger kids, any mishaps and you are in BIG TROUBLE!!!!".


Then take newborn into a quiet, peaceful room, have olders serve me and newborn, and relax.


Can't think of anything else that makes sense. Oh, and when dh comes home, have him make it better than that, in whatever way he can. And instruct them on what to do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...

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Here's how I always deal with it:


For them: Chains and a closet.


For me: Chocolate and Irish Cream.






P.S. My husband's horrified when I make those kinds of jokes. He's worried someone will take me seriously one day. Ha! As if anyone would believe I'd use chains when rope is so much easier.





I hate to disagree, but duct tape works much better. No knot tying.

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Here's how I always deal with it:


For them: Chains and a closet.


For me: Chocolate and Irish Cream.






P.S. My husband's horrified when I make those kinds of jokes. He's worried someone will take me seriously one day. Ha! As if anyone would believe I'd use chains when rope is so much easier.




Haven't read all the replies, just had to stop and :lol::lol:.

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