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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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today is my dd's birthday!  17 years old!!  We are celebrating all day...


make a big breakfast - eggs, sausage, french toast

wrap gifts

make strawberry pie (instead of cake)

go have some fun with her -

maybe a pedi? maybe a movie?  what ever she wants to do

spend a little money at the mall

not sure about dinner

keep on top of the house so that little messes don't turn in to HuGE messes...


have a great day!

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  • Work from 7:30-8:30a [done]

Kids to horse riding [done]

Big grocery trip [done]

Send a FedEx and mail some mail [put off]

Get kids & go with friend to pick up her new car [done]

Lunch out [done]

Make list of kids' school work / chores for the day [done]

Work until 8:30p, taking breaks for: [done]

  • A little housework [done]

A little exercise [done]

A little reading [done]

Kids' baths and bed [done]

Lay out stuff for tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it while getting ready for church [done]

Work from 10-12 [done]

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Happy birthday, Wendy's dd!!


To Do:


change beds (sheets in dryer)

final tidy 

get ready to leave and go to north Atlanta

meet younger sister at older sister's house (Dh is going to watch nephew while we are at a tea at my older sister's house. She is the speaker. Dd is going, too.)

Go to tea

bring nephew home

unpack his things and get him settled





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Dh and I went to the gym at 8. I showed him how much weight I can lift now :D


Up ahead:

--DH is going to help a friend get her car started and then practice his Chinese w her

--I have to drive dd to ballet (she'll be there all day)

--cook the chicken for dinner (it's served chilled)

--work on taxes since we finally have all the documents :rolleyes:

--prep things for Science Olympiad

--sort through my seeds :)

--dream about spring :)

--check w dsis

--have dd tell me her English decision for next year

--read :D

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Wendy, hope the birthday day is wonderful!


Not much going on here, calm before a crazy couple of weeks coming up.


Not a clue what to do for supper tonight.


Need to bring in wood for the woodrack


empty the dishwasher


clean the chicken coop


thought it might be nice to read this afternoon, I've got 3 new books in series that I love coming out March 3rd so it's re-read time for Chicagoland Vampires, Others, and Demon Cycle.


Going to be working at least a few days this upcoming week, so that's awesome, we need the funds for a trip to Boston to see youngest's surgeon, though her visit is covered by insurance.  Also for trip to NYC to oldest's lyme doctor, not covered by insurance, and the new kitten needs to be fixed the end of the month.

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Big change of plans. My nephew had a very bad grand mal right as my sister was getting him ready to leave. He had a couple during the night, too. He is not well at all, so she can't come. I'm going to go to the tea and go on to TN afterwards to help her. If he ends up in the hospital, I can stay with him and give her a break. My older sister will bring dd home, so she can go to the tea with me. 


My younger sister is so disappointed! She was really looking forward to this time of us together. She is so concerned for him, too. It's a constant medical mystery with him. 



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I was on the fence on whether I would go with dd to her 10k training.  Rocky and I walk while the group run.  Dh went with her today so I actually had a choice.  I wimped out.  Yesterday was a very busy day and I'm still exhausted.  And I got glutened yesterday and need access to facilities.  The port-a-potty there is beyond disgusting.  And it's cold.  (Don't shoot me - to me that means that it is 40 degrees outside!)  

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When I'm tired and achy I have to play games to get myself to do anything.


Today's game is:  Pick up ten things in one hour.  This might seem lame to you able-bodied people but it motivates me!


First hour - picked up my ten things - actually 11 but then I'm an overachiever.


Second hour - unloaded and loaded the dishwasher after being hounded to do it by the cat (he pulls down the door and sits on it so that he can supervise the process and will give me dirty looks until I get with the program).  - I think that counts for a lot more than ten items!


3rd hour - folded and put away 10 items of clean clothing.  

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Well, work today was kind of a fail.  It was a deadline, but since it was a Saturday, nobody is probably going to care if stuff gets done a little late.


Well first of all, I forgot about some of the stuff that was due today.  When I finally remembered, it was late and I had to rush.  At 11:52 I ran down to the printer to get the last document I needed signed by midnight.  But ...


The printer decided to be invisible to all of the computers in the house, until almost 1:30am.  I spent 1.5 hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, then figuring out a work-around.  About 5 minutes after I finished the workaround, the dang printer decided to wake up and start printing stuff that was sent to the queue hours ago.  ??  So my report did not go out exactly on time, but I highly doubt anyone will care.


I have some tax forms due too, but because it's a weekend, it isn't technically late as long as it gets postmarked by Monday.

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