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Advice on writing program

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11yrs old daughter. Going to be in sixth grade. Struggles in all subjects and requires a lot of handholding. 


Some history of what we have used: 


WWE1-2 possible 3 can't remember now, FLL 1-4

Ditched WWE after it got too hard for her and lots of hair pulling 

Writing Tales Level 1 - a couple of lessons, serious hair pulling

Attuneup Time Capsule-need another year of this but not ready for it yet and Grammar Cracker

Four Square writing program

Rewards over the summer did amazing work on her reading comprehension and fluency.(not writing based per se but it relates to each other)

She took a summer lit class at a local state college. Forgot the name of it. I saw some improvements. (not writing based)


Moving Beyond the Page literature program 9-11yrs current


Spending the time to work with her alone is hard because of my two younger special needs boys. 


What can I do now? Should I add to the Moving Beyond the page program? Or just continue with Moving Beyond the Page? Or get Writeguide.com to come in and do some more writing with her. Thoughts?


She needs more help with grammar (analytical grammer jr), spelling (seriously considering Apples and Pear after a major flop with Megawords) and following directions (moving into more independent level of moving beyond the page maybe). 


Some ideas came in my head:

IEW those videos SWI A or B cant remember which one



Jump In

Some outlining workbooks. 

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DD12, 6th grade w/ dysgraphia is currently using Jump In, mostly independently - there are a few rare times when she will come to me asking for clarification, but for the most part she opens the book and does a skill (aka lesson) on her own.  The book is written towards the student, and is geared towards middle school, so it doesn't seem remedial despite being for "reluctant" writers.  The essays she has been producing are much better than what she tried to do with IEW and WWS.  She needs help with almost every other subject we do, so having something she can do on her own is a blessing.


Since WWS was a bust here, we used Paragraph Writing Made Easy for outlining (you can sometimes pick this up at a Scholastic Dollar Days sale).  It was simple and straightforward and explained without being overwhelming.


Are you able to preview any of your options?  Because she's heading into 6th, I would see which type SHE would prefer.  At this age she probably has a good sense of what she likes (and liking something is often half the battle!)  Or if she's easily overwhelmed by choices, pick out your top 2 or 3 contenders, and have her pick her favorite.

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We aren't using a writing curriculum at the moment because we use Rod & Staff English 5 and it is teaching about paragraphs, writing, etc.  It is supposed to fulfill the writing curriculum, according to what the WTM says.  I'm going to see how it continues to go and if I feel she needs something more, we will probably use IEW B.  So far though, she is more at ease with writing - just the way R&S presents it seems to really be helping her.

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My ds, who has dyslexia, uses Writing Skills from EPS. It's the first thing that ever worked for him.


As an aside, why did Megawords flop for you? We're thinking of moving into that because ds has come to really loathe Apples and Pears.

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