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I just realized that it is already seed-starting time here


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I started a few kinds of seeds this week. Tomatoes and peppers mostly.


Already? What zone are you in? For some reason I thought you were in a zone that runs later than we do. Please don't tell me I have to start those yet! I think...I hope!...I have until mid-March for those. 


Every year I get caught and I'm desperately starting seeds in mid-April. This year I plan to be ready :lol:

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I don't think there is any point in starting anything now here.  We usually can't plant until end of May or beginning of June.


I just used up the last of our garden carrots in the fridge (still have some in the freezer).  They lasted that long!


I'm a little worried about that too. We're supposed to plant peas and potatoes on St. Patrick's Day, but the ground here was still frozen solid in mid-March! I suspect it will be the same again this year. Maybe that will buy me a week or two of prep time. 


I did such a bad job using the late season last year. I'm always so burned out by then! I need to do better this year. At least I know that we'll have Swiss chard into December. You can't kill that stuff! It just kept on going. I swear it didn't die down until it got snowed on. And I almost forgot about my little red italian onions until late in the season, when I just threw some seed down. The tops were rotten and dead, but I was still pulling onions out to cook with in mid November! I love that kind of thing :D I'm still amazed by my garden every year--how you can start with a single tiny seed and end up with FOOD. 

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Already? What zone are you in? For some reason I thought you were in a zone that runs later than we do. Please don't tell me I have to start those yet! I think...I hope!...I have until mid-March for those. 


Every year I get caught and I'm desperately starting seeds in mid-April. This year I plan to be ready :lol:

I'm in 6, I think.


I usually start them indoors and give them about 4-6 weeks in the house. Then I plant them in Soda bottle greenhouses and they can go outdoors until the garden goes in.



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I'm a little worried about that too. We're supposed to plant peas and potatoes on St. Patrick's Day, but the ground here was still frozen solid in mid-March! I suspect it will be the same again this year. Maybe that will buy me a week or two of prep time. 


I did such a bad job using the late season last year. I'm always so burned out by then! I need to do better this year. At least I know that we'll have Swiss chard into December. You can't kill that stuff! It just kept on going. I swear it didn't die down until it got snowed on. And I almost forgot about my little red italian onions until late in the season, when I just threw some seed down. The tops were rotten and dead, but I was still pulling onions out to cook with in mid November! I love that kind of thing :D I'm still amazed by my garden every year--how you can start with a single tiny seed and end up with FOOD. 


We often buy plants.  It is expensive, but it's the most reliable. 

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What are you doing with acorns?   :bigear:


 Stuck them in a plastic bag full of leaves and damp peat moss and just sort of forgot they were in there. It's supposed to help with germination for seeds that require a cold to germinate. We shall see how they sprout. 


I don't start my tomatoes and peppers too early because I have not got the light to give them four to six weeks in the house, although I wish I did! I need them up, but the weather has to be mild enough for them to go spend most of the day outside or I'll get these awful spindle plants. Not the end of the world, since you can bury tomatoes up to their ears and they will be perfectly happy, but it makes it hard to harden them off with the kind of wind we get in March/April.

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My tomatoes and peppers are just coming up (in pots under lights in my storage room in the basement). They I usually plant mid January, but I was late this year and didn't get them in until the first of Feb. I'll set them out until the first week of May and get my first tomatoes in early June or as soon as it is hot enough to ripen them.


I don't start much else inside. I used to do flowers, but these days, I just buy them. In another year or two when I'm done homeschooling, maybe I'll go back to raising more plants.


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