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Starting my spring cleaning now.........so that


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When spring actually comes I can go outside and enjoy the great outdoors.


My grandmother always started spring cleaning in Feb and was done in early March so that when the first bit of warmth came (Ok, anything over 35 with sun) she could be outside.  I don't enjoy cleaning like she does but I would much rather be outside when the weather is nice so I am getting started.


I just got rid of a HUGE leaf size trash bag of clothes out of my bedroom to donate to the thrift store, another bag to a friend, a smaller trash bag full to the thrift store, a bag to dh's garage for rags, and a few pairs of jeans for a friend to make jean rugs out of.  SERIOUSLY..........we just moved 3 1/2 years ago..........WHY did I move all of that stuff with us????

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I'm getting the urge to clean and regroup.  I don't think we have all that much extra stuff (we just moved last year and I got rid of tons of stuff), but we never really found a home for everything we have in the new house.  I'm really considering doing some light days of school so that I can go through every single room in the house and find a home for everything.  If it doesn't have a home we must not need it.  


I like the philosophy of getting it done before the warm weather.  And in my case, before the sun decides to show up because if the sun does decide to show up we are going outside no matter what we have to skip.

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I hate spring cleaning when it's nice outside; here spring last a few days and then...bam humidity hits you.


I'm sorting through my closet here and then it's on to my books...


Whoever recommended the book...The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,  by Marie Kondo...Thank you!

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I've been slowly (and I mean slowly) going room by room decluttering, reoganizing and even refinishing furniture, replacing blinds or curtains as needed, and painting walls if needed.


So since that is already a sort of spring cleaning, I've begun instead a spring cleaning of the yard. Spending time each day pulling weeds, pruning and fertilizing the fruit trees. Essentially readying the yard for any new plantings that may need to be done. It'll be nice to have the grunt work done before it warms up too much.

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