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Needing to simplify K, 3, & 5


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So 3 kids we are schooling K, 3, and 5. I need suggestions :) I also have a high demanding 3 year old and mellow 7 month old and me doing school has been frustrating and hard to get done :( I was thinking about trying something like Abeka online for LA and Bible but the reviews I have seen look like that won't necessarily save me time. The older ones are good with TT for math, but besides that I really need wisdom for LA, Bible, history and science and anything else I may need to add in and haven't thought about. TIA :)

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Have you looked at CLE? I would consider it for LA and Bible. They are pretty popular for LA, math, Bible, and reading.  Not so much for their social studies and science but I don't know much at all about them for those subjects and why they aren't used much other than their LightUnits format for those subject are not the updated versions all the way through all grades yet.

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So 3 kids we are schooling K, 3, and 5. I need suggestions :) I also have a high demanding 3 year old and mellow 7 month old and me doing school has been frustrating and hard to get done :( I was thinking about trying something like Abeka online for LA and Bible but the reviews I have seen look like that won't necessarily save me time. The older ones are good with TT for math, but besides that I really need wisdom for LA, Bible, history and science and anything else I may need to add in and haven't thought about. TIA :)


Well, your 8yo and 10yo could do Rod and Staff English, can be done very independently. Your oldest could also do R&S's Spelling by Sound and Structure independently (your 8yo doesn't really need it). Alternatively, your oldest could do Easy Grammar, then they can both do Writing Strands (Level 3 for the younger, Level 4 for the older). WS isn't necessarily independent, but it is also not a time sucker.


Your 5yo could do AlphaPhonics or Phonics Pathways, and then something for penmanship. (You might know that I love Spalding, but it is *very* teacher directed, so probably not good in your situation.)


You could do your state's history this year, which would consist of looking for books in your library and some fun field trips. Save more involved history stuff for next year. Or read SOTW aloud and call it good. :-)


You might be able to do Considering God's Creation for science.


Bible? Memory work (books of the Bible, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, favorite scripture verses).

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LA- You're using Rod and Staff already. If that's not working for you, we are liking CLE.


History- I like Ellie's suggestion of SOTW. You could let Jim Weiss read it and make it even easier.


Science- Well, science and I don't have a good track record.  Looking at the ages of your children and what they're doing already, I'd let your older one take over his own science using the Apologia you're already using. Your 3rd grader can use library books or check out some of the ambleside selections for science.  Having field guides around the house is an easy way to feel like science is being covered as well.


Bible- If you're really looking to simplify, you don't need a Bible curriculum  Pick a place and start reading little bits at a time. Stop and discuss.  Start in Genesis. Or start in one of the gospels.  Or simply have your own personal devotions and share WITH them the next day/later that day what you're learning. And then toss in some memory work for everyone.

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I'd mellow out with the Ker: some phonics, some handwriting, some math. You could even do LOE foundations which is "fun", step by step, and you could fold in the three year old for some activities.


My 3rd grader has made a huge jump with her independence this year. She does math, reading, and Latin pretty independently. Spelling and grammar take a bit of mom interaction, but I can usually dictate words or go through the lesson while I'm directing someone else. You could move to R&S grammar to be a bit more independent. Writing is not independent, but I don't really want it to be at this point.


Science I'd probably combine. You could combine history or do VP's self-paced stuff.


I have no clue about bible stuff since we are secular schoolers.

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I just did this.  I have a K (doing 1st), a 3rd, and a 5th.  I was trying an approach where they checked off assignments in their planners and everyone was doing different things.  This worked for a while.  Then when the new baby came nothing was getting done.  I was also frustrated that we were not doing anything as a family.  I've scrapped most of the busy work and am using CCM cd's at home (comparable to CC cd's at home).  They still have planners, but I've created a time schedule.


8:00 Bible

8:30 Memory Work

9:15 Music/Latin/French

10:40 Snack

11:00 Math/Funnix?/Grammar/Writing/History/Science (this is mostly for the oldest-the younger two do math and some grammar.  I have grammar built into the memory work as well.  I'm hitting history in science in the memory work.  The oldest does his history, science, and writing independently.)

1:00 Lunch

1:30 Read-aloud or audio book

2:00 Indiv. reading (all of us on the couch, even me)

3:00 clean up


If we get to the next time and the first thing wasn't done we move on anyway.  I finally feel peace and like we are getting school accomplished.  I'm trusting the less is more approach.  hth

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We switched to CLE shortly before our 5th child was born. It has been a blessing :). We use it for Bible, Math, LA, and Reading. We also use Rod and Staff for spelling and ACE for social studies and science. It gets done consistently and without having to piece a million things together ;).

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We just switched to CLE for everything and added (or started up again) Latin and Greek from Greek and Stuff. We are finally able to get through all the subjects most days including art and music. I don't have to think about planning because it is open and go unless we want to do the extra activities. I was able to get most of the art supplies at Walmart or the Dollar Tree. We are doing third grade and first grade and preschool but three of them are doubling up on some or most of their lessons so I can't give you an accurate time estimate per day. But it has been simple to order almost everything from this one company.

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I have a k and 2nd grader and a 10 month old. I only spend 1 hr on k with him and my dd does an hour of independent work then- she does her math, phonics, spelling, and reading pretty much on her own. Then we do Spanish together and I do our history or science readings and then break since baby's up from her am nap by then. This usually takes us 30 minutes. We usually have a 2-3 hour break until after lunch. After lunch baby goes down for nap and I read a book to my k'er in his bed and then he takes a nap. At this point I hit our core curriculum with my dd for about an hour to an hour and a half and then she does "book basket" and practices math drills on the tablet. That takes maybe 30 minutes total. So after that the littles are up and we're done until before bed, when we do family Bible and chapter read alouds, about 30 min., which brings us to about roughly a 4 hr. school day for my 2nd grader and an hour to an hour and a half for my k'er.


So it' looks kinda like this-

8:30-9:30: k and independent work (Lang + math)

9:30-10:00: Spanish and history or science readings

10:00-1:00 pm: Mid day break

1:00-2:30 pm: one on one with. 2nd grader- core curriculum + grammar instruction or help in any trouble area needed

2:30-3:00: more independent work for 2nd grader

8:00-8:30: Bible, chapter from fiction historical novel, ch. from historical biography

8:30: kids go to bed

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