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Does this exists? Or is it only in the Star Trek universe?

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I know a lot of you are going to think this is just about sacrilegious, but I don't like to buy books. I don't like to own books. (fiction/my books. I buy school stuff). I don't like to buy stuff, read it once and then be done with it. It takes up space, money, weight (when we move every 2-3 years) and is just a waste. Plus I really don't like the idea of ordering stuff and all that's involved in getting it shipped (especially overseas). It just feels like a waste for a book I'll read once. I like getting stuff from the library. But our library here is okay, but not great. When we were in the states I'd either get things from teh library or buy my paperbacks from the used book store, read them and donate them. Here I can donate, but I still have to have them shipped over here. And that shipping is starting to be an (environmental) issue for me.


I recently got my first e-book. (An Evan Moore pockets book). I had never considered e-books before. I don't like to sit at the desk and read the computer, and I certainly don't want to print anything out. But for something like this (where I was going to have to make copies from the book anyway) I realized it is a REALLY good idea.


So this got me thinking about e-books. There is no paper used up. There is no gas used delivering it. It won't take up space after I've read it the one time. But I don't want to sit at my computer and I certainly don't want to print out a novel!


But I do want to join the book club. I'm not seeing a lot of the proposed books for the following year in teh libarary. Plus we all use pretty much the same two libaries (af and marine) so the hold time could be very long if they even have it.


What I want is sort of like an ipod sized thing that has ebooks on it. I don't want to read from my computer. I want to be able to drop it in my purse like I do a paperback. I want to read teh books while at soccer practice. I want the type of things they always walked around with in Star Trek reading off of!


Is there such a thing? Does anyone have one? Does it work well for you?

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I have heard tons and tons of great things about Kindle. The only not-so-great thing I have heard is not about the product itself, but the use of it (and other similar products).


Apparently, when we read a "real" book, we use visual cues to help us track the words on the paper. For instance, we can see our hand in relation to the book and see how far we have left to read before we turn the page. Our brains are used to the minute moment of readjustment and break. The problem with these readers is that it is never ending text, causing some people's eyes and brain to become very fatigued while reading.


I really, really, really wanted to buy one at one point. Then I realized that I would probably be very unhappy since I do not like to read text on a computer screen, and that's what I would be doing!


Our library participates in something really interesting that allows you to download content that they do not have in their libraries and keep it for a couple of weeks. It's called Overdrive and I can only assume that with a little bit of looking into, that it could be a really great resource for someone with an ereader!

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I would love to have a kindle. Anytime I go anywhere I pack books--lots of books. Do I read them all? Never--it's just a compulsive thing I do. I guess I'm afraid I'll get stuck somewhere and have nothing to read--imagine the horror. With a kindle, I could take a bazillion books with me---I guess I'm a real nerd because that gives me such a feeling of security. :D



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Apparently, when we read a "real" book, we use visual cues to help us track the words on the paper. For instance, we can see our hand in relation to the book and see how far we have left to read before we turn the page. Our brains are used to the minute moment of readjustment and break. The problem with these readers is that it is never ending text, causing some people's eyes and brain to become very fatigued while reading.




This isn't true for a Kindle at all. There are definite page turns (some detractors complain that they take too long, but I haven't had a problem), you can see your hand because it's actually on the reading device (unless you've propped it somewhere) and it isn't backlit like a computer screen.

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My inlaws both have Kindles (my fil bought my mil one for Christmas and they liked it so much she bought him one for his birthday) and they rave about it. She particularly liked the option to download a chapter or so of a book before buying to see if she will like the book.

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DH loves his Sony Reader; he carries it in a pouch wherever he goes so he can take advantage of a minute here or there. The Kindles are too bulky for us (though I can see switching down the line).

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I have the Sony ereader. Like the Kindle it is not backlit and it has definite page turns. I've heard a lot of complaints that the Kindle is heavy and bulky, that's not a problem with the Sony version. The reason for this is that the Kindle has wireless internet while you have to dock the Sony on your computer.

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Thanks everyone!


This is definitely going on the Christmas list! It would make life so much easier in some ways!


But before I ever get it I'll have to prove to my husband I can a) work my ipod, and b) actually use my ipod more. (I'm sort of technologically challenged!)


Thanks again!


:lol: That was kinda cute and funny. You are techie challenged but don't want to own books...which I can understand.


Download a book and save a tree...or recycle.


It just made me chuckle you saying that, after reading everyone's suggestion about the Sony and Kindle.



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:lol: That was kinda cute and funny. You are techie challenged but don't want to own books...which I can understand.


Download a book and save a tree...or recycle.


It just made me chuckle you saying that, after reading everyone's suggestion about the Sony and Kindle.




I'm trying to get more technological!


But honestly I've never really needed a lot of techie stuff. I have a paper address book. I like the radio. I still own cassette tapes ( have a mix tape giving to me in 1989 that is one of my favorites!) but that's getting harder to deal with. I only joined the digital camera age about 2 years ago and usually my computers are pretty ancient! They usually were hand me down rebuits from my brother. My husband got tired of dealing with my computer problems, both caused by them being old, as well as having been done by my brother the computer guy (we called it having brother cooties!) and the fact we were going overseas so he bought me a laptop 2 years ago.


But yes, I need to get more technological! I see the 6 year old passing me by soon if I don't get busy!

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