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A PSA re. discretion

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Of which I, apparently, have none.


Last semester, I posted a question and rant about a grading practice in my freshman daughter's English class.  I suspected at the time, because of particular response defending the teachers involved, that a poster who showed up from nowhere might have figured out my possibly not-so-secret identity or, at least, the identity of the school.  If you knew which school it was, there is a zero percent chance the school would not also know which student my daughter is.  Recent events with the school have nearly confirmed my suspicion that the school is aware of my post.  We were about 85% sure that we would move her next year, even though she wouldn't not have the same English teacher again, but now we are 99% sure, so there's no great loss.  


I think of this board as being less public than the chat board, but I feel like I've been stalked.  (Hi, friends of Mrs. A!  [not her real initial]  I see you over there!)  I stand behind my post, and, without the more colorful aspects, e.g., "Nurturing, my hiney," the substance of my complaints is exactly what I had already communicated to the teachers involved.


Also, in case you didn't know, you can write anything you want in a letter or email, and as long as you sign it, "In Christ," or "Because He lives," your position as expressed in said email is unassailable.  It doesn't hurt to put a bunch of random Christian words in the body of the email, either, if you just want to be extra sure.


You're welcome!



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Ugh! Why would someone do that? How is that reflective of Christian behavior? I hate the superiority projected by some people who call themselves Christian. 


I'm sorry someone here has put your family through this. I hope the rest of the year is not too difficult for your dd. Please watch carefully. Several years ago, we made a decision midyear to pull our dc from a school because of things targeted at my oldest. The admin knew, but most teachers did not. Even so, some problematic things happened to my ds that I did not find out about untill after the year was over.  

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I'm with kiana: if at all feasible, don't put up with this without some response. There are few behaviors more obnoxious than stalking followed by pseudo-religious persecution and shaming. BTDT.


You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.

You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.

You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.


Just as when I went through this absolute garbage, you are innocent. You didn't slander or libel. You didn't name the school nor the teachers. You didn't identify your location or your child's name. You have nothing to be ashamed of and you did NOTHING wrong. Those who think you did, and who are making you pay for it, are lunatics and control freaks.



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I'm sorry.  (((Plansrme)))  If that's the way they want to treat your daughter, it will be their loss.


Thanks, everyone.  It is one of the more bizarre interactions in my family's educational journey.  But yeah, this is exactly how I feel--my daughter is awesome!  She's not the strongest student, but she is strong enough and would have been an asset to their school.  This is a tiny school; I would have expected her to be more important to them than she apparently is.  And although I am past it, I have to say that the realization that they really did not care if she stays or goes hurt my feelings.  If I were them and had any inkling that one of the new students was not happy, I would pick up the phone and say, "Hey, what's wrong?  Can we fix it?"  


She will go to public HS next year, either our neighborhood school or, we hope, another one in the county if we get in via lottery.  Thank goodness she has never really bonded with this school.  She likes several of the teachers a lot, but I have seen no indication that she has any affection for the school as a whole.


And yes, I do know that I could or should have easily left out the insulting part of the post that gave rise to this issue.  Perhaps I would have written it differently if I had considered the possibility of being outed, but in the end, it has all been very enlightening.

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I'm with kiana: if at all feasible, don't put up with this without some response. There are few behaviors more obnoxious than stalking followed by pseudo-religious persecution and shaming. BTDT.


You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.

You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.

You have every right to speak anonymously on the internet about your opinions and experiences.


Just as when I went through this absolute garbage, you are innocent. You didn't slander or libel. You didn't name the school nor the teachers. You didn't identify your location or your child's name. You have nothing to be ashamed of and you did NOTHING wrong. Those who think you did, and who are making you pay for it, are lunatics and control freaks.




Liking your post was not enough.  Really, really not enough.


May your daughter's future go well plansrme!  You are definitely allowed to share, vent, and offer opinions - please keep doing so!

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I feel your pain.  Yeah ... that happened to me when I posted an honest review of our experience with Scholars Online.  I got a nasty email from Ds' teacher about how mean and unChristian it was of me to post such things (nevermind that they were our true experiences.)  Well, I felt it was mean and unChristian to take my $$ and give a such a poor quality class. 



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