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Any tips for after shoulder surgery?


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I have been reading up on recovery for my DHs shoulder surgery that will happen on Friday. I have read to sleep in a recliner or with a plethora of pillows. We will have to do the pile of pillows. No recliner at our disposal. I've rounded up plenty of loose t-shirts, sports shorts and pants with elastic waists to be easier to pull up. Any other tips to make his recovery smoother? He will be without use of his arm completely for at least 2 weeks. We were told to plan on it being immobilized for 4 weeks.

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I don't envy you or him.  Shoulder surgery is usually a pretty painful recovery and he's likely going to need you to help him quite a bit.  I'd buy or borrow a recliner and make that happen.  There is no way my dh would've been able to sleep without it (after his shoulder surgery).  Is the doctor going to have him using an Iceman or some sort of icing device?  If not, I'd get some good ice packs.    

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I don't envy you or him.  Shoulder surgery is usually a pretty painful recovery and he's likely going to need you to help him quite a bit.  I'd buy or borrow a recliner and make that happen.  There is no way my dh would've been able to sleep without it (after his shoulder surgery).  Is the doctor going to have him using an Iceman or some sort of icing device?  If not, I'd get some good ice packs.    


eeek, I have NO CLUE. DH is at the pre op appointment as I type. He is having a labrum tear repaired. Dr. said it would be an easier repair than say a rotator cuff repair but to still plan on being out of work for months. Dr asked him how he got a "baseball pitcher injury" while throwing bags in the belly of a plane. We still aren't quite sure how it happened other than it did, haha! The movement of his throws are different and lower than a pitcher that typically injures this area.

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You need to get button down shirts that are larger than he needs. He will have a sling and not be able to move his arm at all for two weeks. We cut a thin tank top up the side so we could slip that over his shoulder. The button down went on his good arm and the just over his shoulder on the injured side.


For t-shirts we slit those up the side, too.

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You need to get button down shirts that are larger than he needs. He will have a sling and not be able to move his arm at all for two weeks. We cut a thin tank top up the side so we could slip that over his shoulder. The button down went on his good arm and the just over his shoulder on the injured side.


For t-shirts we slit those up the side, too.


Thank you for this as well. I was considering cutting and sewing hems in the shirts to attach velcro so that the shirts can be closed in case DH wants to leave the house. Another friend mentioned he won't feel like leaving home and it was a waste of time. Any opinions? Would your dh have enjoyed being able to velcro it shut like a shirt or did he just cover it with a button down shirt and happy to go as is?

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If you don't have an appropriate place to sleep, tell the dr's office asap. They may be able to get a hospital bed prescribed. If you have gotten an attorney, s/he would work on helping you with this. Just call today and not once you get home late at night and wonder why nothing can be done then... ;)

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Thank you for this as well. I was considering cutting and sewing hems in the shirts to attach velcro so that the shirts can be closed in case DH wants to leave the house. Another friend mentioned he won't feel like leaving home and it was a waste of time. Any opinions? Would your dh have enjoyed being able to velcro it shut like a shirt or did he just cover it with a button down shirt and happy to go as is?

Velcro might work. My dh just tucked the cut ends and use the button down/ zip up We bought zip up sweatshirts at Target for leaving the house. My dh was pretty desperate after two weeks to get out of the house. So much so that he was threatening to drive! Like I said, the drugs- wow!


We went pretty much everywhere normal after the two weeks. My dh does not like to sit still.

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Well, my DH is going to be beat by me before surgery even happens. He went to post op alone. Said they didn't mention anything special about ice, to just use ice when needed, he could do some pendulum exercises starting sunday, can remove bandages tuesday. Of course, he will still be in sling all other times. They told him it looks like there is a possible bicep tear AND a labrum tear. If so, it will be a 3 hour surgery. If just labrum, about 1.5 to 2 hours.


DH is playing it off as nothing. Not interested in a recliner or asking them about an ice machine, etc... He is such a stubborn man. I am going to injure his left arm when he walks in the door. I predict pain and chaos when we get home friday evening :/

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We did get the recliner for our son, but no ice machine.  They didn't even send him home with a cold pack, so I bought 2 or 3 of them to rotate.  Ds was on meds the first week and then went to ibuprofen for pain.  The doc has kept in in a sling for 6 weeks so far, but he's an 18 yo guy and my wild child too. (We called him Bam Bam when he was little.) Ds had both anterior and posterior tears repaired, so YMMV.


Ds actually slept better on the couch with pillows the first couple of days, but he's preferred the recliner since then.  


My best advice is to keep on top of the pain meds, so you aren't trying to play catch up with the pain.





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Well, my DH is going to be beat by me before surgery even happens. He went to post op alone. Said they didn't mention anything special about ice, to just use ice when needed, he could do some pendulum exercises starting sunday, can remove bandages tuesday. Of course, he will still be in sling all other times. They told him it looks like there is a possible bicep tear AND a labrum tear. If so, it will be a 3 hour surgery. If just labrum, about 1.5 to 2 hours.


DH is playing it off as nothing. Not interested in a recliner or asking them about an ice machine, etc... He is such a stubborn man. I am going to injure his left arm when he walks in the door. I predict pain and chaos when we get home friday evening :/

Wow! DH wasn't even able to take his sling off for a week. Even then it was only to shower then right back on. Your DH sounds like mine afa treating it like no big deal. Lol I'll be honest, it was was a really bad time in our marriage. :/


Just make sure you go to all appts so you can enforce what the Dr. says. He did not want to listen and was very angry when I told him what he could/ couldn't do.


He's lucky he's still alive!

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Wow! DH wasn't even able to take his sling off for a week. Even then it was only to shower then right back on. Your DH sounds like mine afa treating it like no big deal. Lol I'll be honest, it was was a really bad time in our marriage. :/


Just make sure you go to all appts so you can enforce what the Dr. says. He did not want to listen and was very angry when I told him what he could/ couldn't do.


He's lucky he's still alive!


hahaha I just messaged my SIL asking to borrow a recliner. He can bite me :p


If we aren't going to get prescribed an ice machine, I am going to round up some ice packs. We have about 3 or four already from physical therapy appointments. 


DH will NOT listen to Drs instructions. After his knee surgery five years ago, a week after surgery he was under my van changing a battery when I came home from grocery shopping. So stubborn.

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hahaha I just messaged my SIL asking to borrow a recliner. He can bite me :p


If we aren't going to get prescribed an ice machine, I am going to round up some ice packs. We have about 3 or four already from physical therapy appointments.


DH will NOT listen to Drs instructions. After his knee surgery five years ago, a week after surgery he was under my van changing a battery when I came home from grocery shopping. So stubborn.

Oh yes, so very much like my husband.

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hahaha I just messaged my SIL asking to borrow a recliner. He can bite me :p


If we aren't going to get prescribed an ice machine, I am going to round up some ice packs. We have about 3 or four already from physical therapy appointments. 


DH will NOT listen to Drs instructions. After his knee surgery five years ago, a week after surgery he was under my van changing a battery when I came home from grocery shopping. So stubborn.

Good for you.  He'll thank you- in the end.        

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DH will NOT listen to Drs instructions. After his knee surgery five years ago, a week after surgery he was under my van changing a battery when I came home from grocery shopping. So stubborn.


Just gotta step in here a little bit.  It's not really stubborn.  It's different strokes for different folks.  If things feel fine... why not?  Most of us "stubborn" folks will let our bodies tell us what they can and can't do - at least - after a little bit of experience.


Hubby had his wisdom teeth out this past summer and didn't miss a beat.  Others need more time to heal.  There is no "one" correct plan for afterward.


But... I think you're smart borrowing a recliner, having pillows on hand, and getting ice packs.


Just don't be too hard on him if HE feels he's ok sooner than expected (or later).  He very well could be.  I know several who heal pretty quickly - and some who don't.  


Stubborn is having something one needs to do and refusing to do it or have it done.  I'm well aware of the feeling.  ;)  It's not a difference in how one heals or how quickly they feel up to doing things afterward (with a few exceptions).

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I had shoulder surgery in October. Bicep tear, labrum tear. I had a nerve block so came home completely numb but they stressed to take the pain meds that night anyway so it didn't wear off and I was in pain. It didn't wear off till the next afternoon. I was in a sling 24/7 besides to shower for 6 weeks. Couldn't drive for that 6 weeks either. A recliner is a must. No way I could have slept laying down, even now I can't sleep on my side. I could not dress my self for probably 3 weeks and even now I can't put my own bra on. I'm still in physical therapy, my surgeon says I'll need to go for another 2 months at least. He told me it would be a year before my shoulder is completely healed and back to normal.

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Just gotta step in here a little bit. It's not really stubborn. It's different strokes for different folks. If things feel fine... why not? Most of us "stubborn" folks will let our bodies tell us what they can and can't do - at least - after a little bit of experience.


Hubby had his wisdom teeth out this past summer and didn't miss a beat. Others need more time to heal. There is no "one" correct plan for afterward.


But... I think you're smart borrowing a recliner, having pillows on hand, and getting ice packs.


Just don't be too hard on him if HE feels he's ok sooner than expected (or later). He very well could be. I know several who heal pretty quickly - and some who don't.


Stubborn is having something one needs to do and refusing to do it or have it done. I'm well aware of the feeling. ;) It's not a difference in how one heals or how quickly they feel up to doing things afterward (with a few exceptions).

If it's a work claim you have to be really careful about what you are seen doing, though. I don't care how much my dh felt he could do. It matters what an investigator thinks coupled with doctor's orders.
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Here's a tip if you do end up with an ice machine: they are kind of tricky and don't like the kind of ice that your freezer makes, but more the kind you have to but at the store. That can get expensive pretty quick. We froze several 16.9-oz size water bottles and three fit in the machine we had perfectly. Fill the rest with the coldest water you can get, and it's the same result for a lot less money. We kept about 8 bottles in the freezer at all times so we could switch them out and always have frozen ones. Good luck to him and to you!

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Tomorrow is the big day. We drive off at 4am. We have stocked up our pantry so I shouldn't have to leave to shop for a few days. Kids are with the in laws tonight.


We do have a family member that has offered a recliner to borrow if needed. DH wants to come home and try our bed lounge pillow that has arm rests for reading in bed. He thinks it may work fine in bed and sofa.


I have 3 ice packs, well large bags of green peas. They worked better than gel packs when he had knee surgery a few years back.


We filled his pain meds and have them ready for consumption.


I should really be asleep but naturally not ready to sleep.

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Oh wow!  I just had surgery Tuesday. Torn rotator cuff and a couple of other problems.  Can't take prescript pain meds because I've learned the pain is better than the pain plus nausea.  Just hang in there!   i've got six weeks in one of these immobilizers and then therapy.  Pain lessens everyday.


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