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those memoria press schedules...

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MP uses a strange program for their schedules.  I know that because I've asked them if I could have a digital copy to manipulate (we were doing a different form of Latin than what came with our core).  They weren't able to share a file that could be manipulated because of that particular program.  I asked for and got a digital download, I just wasn't able to change the data inside of it.


I agree...having used the lesson plans for 2 years now, they are very clear to understand.  I'm thinking of toying with my 7th grade core as we are doing quite a few add in subjects and the lesson plans are a bit off for us.

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I use Onenote,  Each class is a tab.  The first page of each tab has the schedule of what needs to be done for that week with appropriate books listed, assignments posted, and internet links embedded for that particular class.  Along the right side of the tab, the pages are used as weeks (Week 1, Week 2, etc.).  The sub-pages under the weeks are work/activity pages which correspond to the weekly schedule and assignments which need to be completed.  Everything is in one space, neat and tidy; easy to follow. 


To update for the next week, I just copy and paste the previous week's schedule page as a new page.  Rename it for the new week, and update books (if necessary), page #'s, internet links, whatever.  Then I build new assignment pages underneath.  Doesn't take very long at all.

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Thanks, Saddlemama, but I'm a paper planner. If I make it on computer, it is to print it out and have a paper copy that looks "official".


If your a paper person, check out etsy.  Search for homeschool planners and find one that is MOST similar to what you want.   Then, contact the shop owner and have them put together a custom schedule for you.  :)  I did this and got a schedule that is even MORE visually appealing than the memoria press one.  (Plus, it is rainbow and custom for our family/subjects. ;)  ) 

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I made one using LibreOffice's spreadsheet program one year and even had it spiral bound. It was the week-at-a-glance type for all our subjects very much like MP's. What I found, however, was that I didn't like having all our subjects on the two-page spread because we might get ahead in one subject & behind in another. Now, I do each subject on its own set of pages. Some things we do three times a week, others two, four, or five times a week. The subject schedules all mostly look alike and I just date them as I do them. This way, it doesn't matter if I miss a day altogether for all subjects or just one, we aren't "behind." It is still as open-and-go as I can get it.


It doesn't take forever, but it does take some time. I do my planning in the summer because I wouldn't get to it during the year. If you already have a plan for each subject, I don't think it would take forever to do in eXcel - but it might take several hours over days or weeks to fill it in. The actual layout doesn't take much time at all (20-30 min?).

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If your a paper person, check out etsy. Search for homeschool planners and find one that is MOST similar to what you want. Then, contact the shop owner and have them put together a custom schedule for you. :) I did this and got a schedule that is even MORE visually appealing than the memoria press one. (Plus, it is rainbow and custom for our family/subjects. ;) )

Any chance you'd be willing to share pics? I'm also a paper planner person and might want to try this too!

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