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Any Whole 30ers starting on New Years?


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I'm starting my second Whole 30 on Jan 1, I did my first last February and loved it but slowly slipped back into old habits. I have about 20-25 pounds to lose. I'm really good about working out but I need to clean up my diet. Ds2 also has some food allergies and his eczema is getting really bad, so I think it'll benefit him too.


Anyone want to have an accountability thread?

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I started the Whole 30 last July and lasted a couple of weeks before my ILs came into town and the stress sent me back to my diet coke. ;)  That, and it was a little awkward not eating any of the food I was preparing for them, so I gave up on and then could never get started again.


The hard thing for me is eating entirely separate from the rest of the family. And since I don't want to prepare 2 entirely separate meals, I find myself eating just snacky type foods that require little prep. But I have a hard time coming up with a wide variety of things to eat and it gets boring fast.


What foods are you planning on eating? If I am going to start Whole 30 again, I need to make a shopping trip so that I have plenty of acceptable food in the house or I won't last more than a few hours. I downloaded the shopping list from their website, which is a good start. But I'd like more ideas.



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I have a couple recipe books, but for the first week while I get back into the swing of things, I'm using these complete menus by the lady who wrote Well Fed.  All of her recipes that I've tried so far have been fantastic.  




She has 3 complete week plans there.


I just gutted my fridge, pantry and freezers, took stock, separated the compliant from the non-compliant.  Just have to shop now!  

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I started the Whole 30 last July and lasted a couple of weeks before my ILs came into town and the stress sent me back to my diet coke. ;)  That, and it was a little awkward not eating any of the food I was preparing for them, so I gave up on and then could never get started again.


The hard thing for me is eating entirely separate from the rest of the family. And since I don't want to prepare 2 entirely separate meals, I find myself eating just snacky type foods that require little prep. But I have a hard time coming up with a wide variety of things to eat and it gets boring fast.


What foods are you planning on eating? If I am going to start Whole 30 again, I need to make a shopping trip so that I have plenty of acceptable food in the house or I won't last more than a few hours. I downloaded the shopping list from their website, which is a good start. But I'd like more ideas.


Sorry I meant to quote you in the above post.  :)

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I'm in too. We (my dh and I) just completed our first whole30 a few days before Christmas. I'd lost 8kg, but gained back 2 of those on our Christmas break! We are actually hoping to make this a lifetime way of eating, making the only exception when we eat out at friends` homes.

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I'm in too. We (my dh and I) just completed our first whole30 a few days before Christmas. I'd lost 8kg, but gained back 2 of those on our Christmas break! We are actually hoping to make this a lifetime way of eating, making the only exception when we eat out at friends` homes.

That's kind of what I'm hoping to do as well, although not as strict. I need to find a way to maintain my weight. I have no problem losing but I gain so easily, so something is going to have to get drastic because sensible doesn't work for me.

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Today is day 4 for me, I made the week one plan from here:




We are loving it so far! It's so easy, but I can and do have meat at breakfast. My favorite recipe is West African stew from Well Fed 2, it's simply amazing. We also love cauliflower rice. Our plan is to precook lots of meats and veggies for breakfasts and lunches, then make dinner as usual every day. I have three Whole 30/ Paleo cookbooks and there are tons of recipes that look amazing in the,.


I'm already feeling less bloated, more energetic, and all around better.

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I'm also on Day 4. I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disease (autoimmune) this Fall and am hoping that I can turn things around and improve my health with this way of eating. I had a massive headache -- detox, probably -- upon waking yesterday morning but otherwise things are going really well and I have a lot of hope that it will help. I felt more like my old, pre-sick self today. So thankful for Pinterest and Paleo blogs for recipe ideas! 

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I've been doinG Whole30 since for less than a week. Here are my loves and hates at the moment:


Love: coconut milk in my coffee! Chicken and apple sausages rock.


Hate: Tired of eggs for breakfast and this former vegan cannot stomach meat for breakfast!

Former vegan here too. I make a carrot or cauliflower pureed soup for breakfast. There are lots of different pureed soups that sort of fill the "I want something warm and kinda like my grits or oatmeal" gap.



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I'm on day 8.  This is my second time through, I did my first Whole 30 leading up to Christmas (finished on the 19th).  I made the Pad Thai last week and my whole family loved it, even my dh who generally doesn't like anything with squash or any weird healthy food. I also made the Moroccan Meatballs from the Well Fed cookbook and they were a hit, too.  I found a Whole 30 compliant marinara sauce from Cost-co, so tonight I fried some ground beef, threw that into the sauce and had it over leftover spaghetti squash (the kids had actual pasta noodles).  


I only lost 8 pounds last time which was kind of disappointing.  I am finding that I really enjoy eating like this and that it isn't as big a deal as I thought it would be.  The best part is that I don't have any sugar cravings anymore and I used to eat way too much sugar every day.  

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Made carnitas in the pressure cooker last night and spaghetti squash with meat sauce tonight. Salad and veggies every meal. Missing lunch here and there because I don't have an appetite mid-day.


I feel a bit lighter. Not to keen with the lack of regular "output" KWIM...


16 more days to go! I would kill for a bowl of fiber one!

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Made carnitas in the pressure cooker last night and spaghetti squash with meat sauce tonight. Salad and veggies every meal. Missing lunch here and there because I don't have an appetite mid-day.


I feel a bit lighter. Not to keen with the lack of regular "output" KWIM...


16 more days to go! I would kill for a bowl of fiber one!


I'm doing the Whole 30 with an online group led by a trainer.  He just addressed the output issue.  He says to drink more water, eat less raw veggies (cook them instead), lay off the nuts, and take a magnesium supplement.

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I failed and gave up. (within a couple days of starting) I have no self control, apparently. *sigh*



I don't know if you did this already or are interested in trying again, but reading the book in full right before I started really motivated me.

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