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Martial Artists --which one do you practice?


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Not really anymore, though I still remember most of what I learned.  I studied Tae Kwon Do in high school, and MMA in college, where we learned a little bit of everything, but focused a good deal on Muay Thai.  


If I was going to take up a new one, I'd probably go with Capoeira.  I've tried it a couple times, and it is SO fun.  And it's an insane workout.

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Aikido. I've done a bit of Judo too, but it wasn't that much fun because there weren't enough adult women to ever be able to compete. 


If I moved to an area where there was no Aikido but there was another person teaching who was a good martial artist and instructor, I'd sign up there, regardless of style. Honestly, I feel like the instructor is SO much more important than the style. 

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We do taekwondo.  It is really the biggest choice around here.  I ended up with a school that is homeschool friendly with a couple of classes during the day.  We are approaching our second year anniversary in a couple of weeks.  I'm still about a year out from my black belt (as is my DD) and my sons are all further back as I am making sure they have a good foundation before advancing.

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We've been involved in Aikido for over nine years.  One of mine is a shodan (black belt) and teaches now.  He wants to do Krav Maga as well, but we don't have a group close by.


I originally chose it because of the sensai and his wife, but we love the philosophy and flowing style.

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I don't do MA, but my children do HapKiDo. I didn't choose hapkido specifically, tbh; when I asked around, several people recommended a particular dojang and instructor, and hapkido is what he teaches. We did a trial class, and the children loved it and the instructor, so there you go. We could have chosen from about ten other MA studios in the area, but this one has daytime classes for homeschoolers, which is a huge plus. DH and I really like the instructor and his assistants and how they interact with the kids and push them gently but not too hard, expecting excellence but not perfection. The demeanor of the instructor is more important to me than the particular type of MA.


I do like that hapkido is focused on self defense more than attacking. Also, there doesn't seem to be the rolling on the mat and grappling that there is in some MA, which I appreciate. My tweenage daughter doesn't mind grabbing the boys or having them grab her, but I'm not sure she or they would be comfortable with a lot of wrestling-style moves. I hear there is sparring at the upper levels, but we aren't there yet. So no headgear and such needed yet. (They've each earned two belts so far, after starting with white, and DD is about to earn her third. They've been doing it for nine months. DD probably has a bit over two years before she can get her black belt, DS1 maybe about the same, and my little guy a little longer, since he's more laid back than the older two. The older two are always asking questions and reviewing moves with each other. They notice different things and have different areas of strength, so they are able to feed off of each other well.)

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Guest submarines

We love aikido because of its philosophy. It is non-competitive, not aggressive, very peaceful and yet extremely effective in self defense situations without requiring one to have great physical strength.

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