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Anniversary gift for son/DIL?


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I want to drop off something for my son and DIL tomorrow. I don't know what, though. I don't think it should be Christmas stuff (but tell me If you do think so!). DIL does not seem much of one for flowers/plants. They have two cats and a puppy, so I think it doesn't seem worth the bother to deal with animals knocking plants over.


I have given them restaurant certificates in the past, but she is very particular about food ... which I only know from his comments - she does not let on at all!


They both work odd hours so I don't want to buy tickets to an event because I never know what days they are working.


I would like to keep it under $100. Something that says I love them and something that they both would like! And nothimg I have to order online because, of course, I waired until the last minute:). I am having a hard month and everything seems like 'too much' right now:(

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How about a nice bottle of wine for them to celebrate with?


I also think Christmas stuff is okay though. Like, it's your first married Christmas and you get a set of beautiful Christmas plates or something along those lines. People don't ask for that stuff in their wedding registry, but it's a cool "new household" sort of thing to have.

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We have been married for 18 years.  The first year, my mom bought us a lot of "sentimental" gifts--wall plaques with verses and stuff.  I was the first child to marry--  Now that my 2 sibs are married, they simplified, and they give each of us a nice card and enough money to go out to dinner--$40 or so, usually.  And they babysit my children.


I love it---  Very sweet, and something we don't regularly do.



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I don't have any suggestions, but I think it's great you are thinking about them on their special day. We just celebrated our 20th anniversary and not a single family member acknowledged it. My mother still treats DH like we just started dating; it's very weird and awkward.


I'm sure they will appreciate knowing that you want to honor their marriage. Very thoughtful of you, Danestress! :)

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